"Cytoblast" is a word in ENGLISH

cytoblast ENGLISH

The nucleus of a cell; the germinal or active spot of a
cellule, through or in which cell development takes place.

Few words of positivity

Honouring the youth of their town they provided a décor that a £20-a-Martini fleecing parlour could not have amortized. They had bought eighty low Alvar Aalto stools for the alcove and coctail bar seating. Also, twenty tall numbers in the same bent bleach wood classic style. Extremely expensive and brought in from Finland at equally great expense.And in the first twelve months, ninety percent had disappeared. Compared to the catastrophic damage done every other week to one of the toilets just off the main dance floor --the level of masonry demolition going deep into the floor implied the use of a full-sized pneumatic drill-- the loss of a bunch of stools was incidental.The fact that thirty-two then turned up in New Order's rehearsal room was therefore coincidental. If you couldn't join in the public in stealing from your own club, what was the point of opening it?

Tony Wilson, 24-Hour Party People

Laugh your heart out.

What is the strongest animal?A racehorse, because it can take hundreds of people for a ride at once!


Lat An. officer having charge of acta, public records, registers, jour-nals, or minutes; an officer who entered on record the …

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The process of generation by development of blastema, or fission of cells, in which the new formation is in all …

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acontia ENGLISH

Threadlike defensive organs, composed largely of nettling cells (cnidae), thrown out of the mouth or special pores of certain Actiniae …

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acrospore ENGLISH

A spore borne at the extremity of the cells of fructification in fungi.

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aerocyst ENGLISH

One of the air cells of algals.

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air cell ENGLISH

A receptacle of air in various parts of the system; as, a cell or minute cavity in the walls of …

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air cell ENGLISH

A cavity in the cellular tissue of plants, containing air only.

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air jacket ENGLISH

A jacket having air-tight cells, or cavities which can be filled with air, to render persons buoyant in swimming.

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air sac ENGLISH

One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with …

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air vessel ENGLISH

A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the …

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albuminin ENGLISH

The substance of the cells which inclose the white of birds' eggs.

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alveolar ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or resembling, alveoli or little cells, sacs, or sockets.

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alveoliform ENGLISH

Having the form of alveoli, or little sockets, cells, or cavities.

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alveolus ENGLISH

A cell in a honeycomb.

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alveolus ENGLISH

A small depression, sac, or vesicle, as the socket of a tooth, the air cells of the lungs, the ultimate …

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amphiaster ENGLISH

The achromatic figure, formed in mitotic cell-division, consisting of two asters connected by a spindle-shaped bundle of rodlike fibers diverging …

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anastate ENGLISH

One of a series of substances formed, in secreting cells, by constructive or anabolic processes, in the production of protoplasm; …

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angiosporous ENGLISH

Having spores contained in cells or thecae, as in the case of some fungi.

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antheridium ENGLISH

The male reproductive apparatus in the lower, consisting of a cell or other cavity in which spermatozoids are produced; -- …

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apolar ENGLISH

Having no radiating processes; -- applied particularly to certain nerve cells.

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