"Nosing" is a word in ENGLISH

nosing ENGLISH

That part of the treadboard of a stair which projects over
the riser; hence, any like projection, as the projecting edge of a

nosing ENGLISH

of Nose

Few words of positivity

A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home from an audience with the august executive. The president spun a story about a machine that baffled a chess champion by beating him thrice. The stunned champ cried while inspecting the machine, "There's a man in there!"Lincoln's good news, he confided from the heights of leadership, was that there was in fact a man in there.

Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville

Laugh your heart out.

Morris was passing a small courtyard and heard voices murmuring.He went in and saw an altar with a large zero in the middle anda banner that said 'N I L'. White-robed people were kneeling before the altar chanting hymnsto The Great Nullity ,The Blessed Emptiness, and The Big Zero inthe Sky. Morris turned to a white-robed observer beside him and wispered,.... ...... "Is Nothing Sacred?"

aard-vark ENGLISH

An edentate mammal, of the genus Orycteropus, somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of Southern Africa. It burrows …

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abanti CEBUANO

abanti a {1} forward, ahead. Abanti ka rang milingkud, You took a seat too far to the front. {2} ahead …

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abbreviate ENGLISH

Having one part relatively shorter than another or than the ordinary type.

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abbreviation ENGLISH

The form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission; a letter or letters, standing for …

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abdomen ENGLISH

The belly, or that part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis. Also, the cavity of the belly, …

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abdominales ENGLISH

A group including the greater part of fresh-water fishes, and many marine ones, having the ventral fins under the abdomen …

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abduce ENGLISH

To draw or conduct away; to withdraw; to draw to a different part.

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abduct ENGLISH

To draw away, as a limb or other part, from its ordinary position.

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abduction ENGLISH

The movement which separates a limb or other part from the axis, or middle line, of the body.

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abductor ENGLISH

A muscle which serves to draw a part out, or form the median line of the body; as, the abductor …

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aberration ENGLISH

The passage of blood or other fluid into parts not appropriate for it.

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abhak v [A; b5] diminish s.t. by taking away or destroying part of it. Naabhak (naabhákan) ang íyang abága sa …

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abis v [A; ab7] slice with a curved blade, cut a small or thin part from a bigger piece. Abisig …

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ablution ENGLISH

The act of washing or cleansing; specifically, the washing of the body, or some part of it, as a religious …

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Over or upon different parts of; through or over in various directions; here and there in; to and fro in; …

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above-cited ENGLISH

Cited before, in the preceding part of a book or writing.

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Abrogation LAW AND LEGAL

The annulment of a law by constitutional authority. It stands opposed to rogation; and Is distinguished from derogation, which implies …

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absent ENGLISH

Not existing; lacking; as, the part was rudimental or absent.

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absolute ENGLISH

Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence in government; as, the case absolute. See Ablative absolute, under …

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absorbent ENGLISH

Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc.; also a substance …

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