"Ngiyaw" is a word in TAGALOG, CEBUANO

ngiyaw TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) cry of cat or kitten

ngiyaw CEBUANO

ngiyaw, ngíyaw n mewing of a cat or a similar sound.
v [A; b6] {1} mew.
{2} screw up the face at an unpleasant sensation.
Ningíyaw ang íyang nawung kay naasuhan ang íyang mata, He grimaced because he got smoke in his eyes.

Few words of positivity

They would repair the leaks in their eyes.

Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried

Laugh your heart out.

Q. How do you know a blonde has been using the computer?A. There is cheese in front of the mouse.


The plural of this. See This.

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genetically ENGLISH

In a genetical manner.

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v. /AG-/ to discourse, deliver a speech or address. Isu ti nagbitla idi pabuya mi. He was the one who …

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balukbuk n {1} k. o. weevil that bores in grains, like corn. {2} k. o. worm that bores into root …

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The same as Dihedral.

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A separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly hold intercourse among themselves.

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Oneris Ferendi LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In the civil law. The servitude of support; a servitude by which the wall of a house ls required …

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Having unfeathered nostrils, as certain birds.

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A fish of the southern Atlantic coast (Seriola Carolinensis.)

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A vegetable tissue consisting of tracheae.

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pustri CEBUANO

pustri n electric light, telephone post.

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To cause a short, tremulous motion of, to cause to tremble, as by a sudden shock or blow; to shake; …

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Abbreviation of Because.

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kídang - To recline or sit comfortably in an arm-chair, etc. Kidángi lang ang butáka kag magtúlug, kon malúyag ka. …

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Making or containing invocation; invoking.

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Having jointed stems or culms.

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The marriage vow or contract.

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