"Ner" is a word in ENGLISH



Few words of positivity

I began a lifelong affair with nostalgia, with only the vaguest notions of what I was nostalgic for.

Lucy Grealy

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the blonde who brought her cosmetics with her for a make-up exam?


adía short form: día {1} is here (nearer me than you). Adía sa táas ang lamísa, ikanáug, The table is …

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Hinder; nearer the rear.

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approach ENGLISH

To come near to in place, time, or character; to draw nearer to; as, to approach the city; to approach …

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approach ENGLISH

To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer.

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approximation ENGLISH

A continual approach or coming nearer to a result; as, to solve an equation by approximation.

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asymptote ENGLISH

A line which approaches nearer to some curve than assignable distance, but, though infinitely extended, would never meet it. Asymptotes …

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To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be; to bear from a more distant to …

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catadromous ENGLISH

Having the lowest inferior segment of a pinna nearer the rachis than the lowest superior one; -- said of a …

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contract ENGLISH

To draw together or nearer; to reduce to a less compass; to shorten, narrow, or lessen; as, to contract one's …

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converge ENGLISH

To cause to tend to one point; to cause to incline and approach nearer together.

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converge ENGLISH

To tend to one point; to incline and approach nearer together; as, lines converge.

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cowslip ENGLISH

In the United States, the marsh marigold (Caltha palustris), appearing in wet places in early spring and often used as …

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cut-off ENGLISH

That which cuts off or shortens, as a nearer passage or road.

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Extending far back from the front or outer part; of great horizontal dimension (measured backward from the front or nearer …

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denden ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ to move by sliding, as when one is sitting on a bench; to go or come nearer a …

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diri {1} here, nearer speaker than interlocutor. Día siya diri, He is over here, by me. Diri lingkud, Sit over …

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dóhol - To pass, reach, tender, offer, hand, give into another’s hand (from some considerable distance or whenever the receiver …

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drawbore ENGLISH

A hole bored through a tenon nearer to the shoulder than the holes through the cheeks are to the edge …

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droplight ENGLISH

An apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant.

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duok WARAY

Duok - to come nearer; to go nearer to a person or an object

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