"Adia" is a word in CEBUANO


adía short form: día {1} is here (nearer me than you).
Adía sa táas ang lamísa, ikanáug, The table is up here.
Bring it downstairs.
{2} in narration: now, at this juncture.
Nalípay siya kay, día, nadátù na man pud siya, He was happy because, here he was, he managed to become rich in turn.

Few words of positivity

From time to time, one must release the grime built up inside them to to free their emotions like the ocean.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Laugh your heart out.

A monster walked into the council rent office with a $5 note stuck in one ear and a $10 note in the other. You see, he was $15 in arrears.


diri {1} here, nearer speaker than interlocutor. Día siya diri, He is over here, by me. Diri lingkud, Sit over …

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gulang CEBUANO

gúlang a {1} old in age. Miritayir siya kay gúlang na, He retired because hes old. Dalágang gúlang, Old maid. …

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ra particle following the first word of a predicate. {1} only [predicate] and nothing else. Si Pidru ra ang mitábang …

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