"Natal" is a word in ENGLISH


Of or pertaining to one's birth; accompying or dating from
one's birth; native.


Presiding over nativity; as, natal Jove.

Few words of positivity

We thought everything would be forgotten, but I still remember yourclaws running down my back.I wonder if you still think about us,the way I do.How our legs would crash into each other in the middle of the night, and how we endedup creating the moon in the confines of our beds.

Zaeema J. Hussain, The Sky Is Purple

Laugh your heart out.

A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. "Excuse me", he said tothe cat in charge, "Can you get milk stains out?" "Sure," repliedthe cat. "We'll have that stain licked in a minute!"


In French law, denotes a docu* ment, or formal, solemn writing, embodying a legal attestation that something has been done, …

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In Roman law. one of foreign birth, who has left his own country and settled elsewhere, and who has not …

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Alienigena LAW AND LEGAL

one of foreign birth; an alien. 7 Coke, 31

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anak n son, daughter. sa búhat {1} laborer. {2} accustomed to hard work. Way báli kanà, kay anak man aku …

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ascendant ENGLISH

The horoscope, or that degree of the ecliptic which rises above the horizon at the moment of one's birth; supposed …

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barkada CEBUANO

barkáda n people one goes around with. Giimbitar kung ákung mga barkáda sa ákung adlaw, I invited my cronies to …

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bikangkang CEBUANO

bikangkang v [A; c1] spread ones legs apart. Ug dì ka mu-bikangkang, dúgay kang kahimugsúan, If you dont spread your …

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birthday ENGLISH

The day of the month in which a person was born, in whatever succeeding year it may recur; the anniversary …

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birthdom ENGLISH

The land of one's birth; one's inheritance.

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butu n {1} explosion. {2} blister. v {1} [B246; b4] explode. Mibutu ang bulkan nga Taal, Taal Volcano erupted. Ug …

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A part of the amnion, one of the membranes enveloping the fetus, which sometimes is round the head of a …

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congenital ENGLISH

Existing at, or dating from, birth; pertaining to one from birth; born with one; connate; constitutional; natural; as, a congenital …

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country ENGLISH

A tract of land; a region; the territory of an independent nation; (as distinguished from any other region, and with …

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dala v {1} [A; a2] take, bring, carry. Magdala ba kug rigálu ngadtu? Shall I bring presents there? Bug-at na …

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denizen ENGLISH

One who is admitted by favor to all or a part of the rights of citizenship, where he did not …

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derogate ENGLISH

To act beneath one-s rank, place, birth, or character; to degenerate.

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eupatrid ENGLISH

One well born, or of noble birth.

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extraction ENGLISH

Derivation from a stock or family; lineage; descent; birth; the stock from which one has descended.

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genethliac ENGLISH

Pertaining to nativities; calculated by astrologers; showing position of stars at one's birth.

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Illegitimacy LAW AND LEGAL

The condition before the law, or the social status, of a bastard; the state or condition of one whose parents …

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