"Memorialized" is a word in ENGLISH

memorialized ENGLISH

of Memorialize

Few words of positivity

In order to build a system of values you need time and persistence

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

Discipline in the Homeby Wilma Child-Begood

alaala TAGALOG

alaala Active Verb: maalaala Passive Verb: alalahanin Definition: (noun) remembrance, souvernir, memory, recollection (active verb) to remember 2 Definition: Notes: …

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alala Active Verb: mag-alala Passive Verb: alalahanin Definition: 1) memory, recollection (noun) 2) to worry, to be anxious about something …

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A blank book, in which to insert autographs sketches, memorial writing of friends, photographs, etc.

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amnestic ENGLISH

Causing loss of memory.

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anamnestic ENGLISH

Aiding the memory; as, anamnestic remedies.

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ánimas - (Sp. ánimas) The ringing of the churchbell in memory of the Souls in Purgatory. The usual time for …

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Anniversary LAW AND LEGAL

An annual day, in old ecclesiastical law, set apart in memory of a deceased person. Also called “year day” or …

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annunciation ENGLISH

The festival celebrated (March 25th) by the Church of England, of Rome, etc., in memory of the angel's announcement, on …

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áo, (aw) - An exclamation denoting surprise, used by people who have forgotten some important incidents in a story, etc. …

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Automatism LAW AND LEGAL

In medical jurispru-dence, this term is applied to actions or conduct of an individual apparently occur-ring without will, purpose, or …

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A brass plate engraved with a figure or device. Specifically, one used as a memorial to the dead, and generally …

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búhì a {1} alive, living. Kun búhì pa si Tátay, If Dad were only alive. Búhì pa ang ákung pagláum, …

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cahier ENGLISH

A memorial of a body; a report of legislative proceedings, etc.

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chapel ENGLISH

a small church, often a private foundation, as for a memorial

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christmas ENGLISH

An annual church festival (December 25) and in some States a legal holiday, in memory of the birth of Christ, …

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Christmas-Day LAW AND LEGAL

A festival of the Christian church, observed on the 25th of December, ln memory of the birth of Jesus Christ

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commemoration ENGLISH

Whatever serves the purpose of commemorating; a memorial.

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commemoration ENGLISH

The act of commemorating; an observance or celebration designed to honor the memory of some person or event.

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To study in order to know; to peruse; to learn; to commit to memory; to regard studiously.

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Total privation or loss; extinction; cessation; as, the death of memory.

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