"Matikas" is a word in HILIGAYNON


matíkas - Sneak, thief; pilfering, stealing,
thieving, light-fingered, a petty thief. (cf.
tíkas, makáwat, matákaw, makáwtì,

Few words of positivity

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.

Lao Tzu

Laugh your heart out.

A boy from France comes to America. He wants to learn some new words so he goes to the airport and learns "take off." Then he learnes "zebra" from the zoo and "baby" from the hospital. Then he goes home and says, ''Mommy, I learned new words today.'' She says, "Great, honey what did you learn?" He says, ''Takeoffzebrababy!''

mannerly ENGLISH

With good manners.

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tironian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Tiro, or a system of shorthand said to have been introduced by him into ancient Rome.

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grease ENGLISH

To smear, anoint, or daub, with grease or fat; to lubricate; as, to grease the wheels of a wagon.

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Quantum Valebant LAW AND LEGAL

As much as they were worth. In pleadlng. The com-mon count In an action of assumpsit for goods sold and …

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Like ripened fruit in ruddiness and plumpness.

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risibu CEBUANO

risíbu n receipt. v [A2; b] make or issue a receipt.

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tirintas TAGALOG

tirintas Definition: (noun) braid; pigtail 2 Definition: (var) TRINTAS Notes: Spanish

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sclavic ENGLISH
emersion ENGLISH

The reappearance of a heavenly body after an eclipse or occultation; as, the emersion of the moon from the shadow …

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gainable ENGLISH

Capable of being obtained or reached.

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schoolbook ENGLISH

A book used in schools for learning lessons.

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tíbin n twenty pesos or twenty centavos (slang). v {1} [A12] secure twenty pesos or twenty centavos. {2} [B26] be, …

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substantiate ENGLISH

To establish the existence or truth of by proof or competent evidence; to verify; as, to substantiate a charge or …

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seashell ENGLISH

The shell of any marine mollusk.

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ceiling ENGLISH

The inner planking of a vessel.

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limous ENGLISH

Muddy; slimy; thick.

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One of a Dravidian race of men native of Northern Ceylon and Southern India.

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