"Marahay-Rahay" is a word in HILIGAYNON

marahay-rahay HILIGAYNON

maraháy-ráhay - Quick, swift, very
agile, nimble, lithe, lithesome. (cf.
raháyráhay, mapágsik, malígsi, maábtik,
madásig, kisáy).

marahay-rahay HILIGAYNON

maraháy-raháy - Mediocre, neither poor
nor rich, neither much nor little, middleclass. (cf. hingánhingán, dawâdawâ,

Few words of positivity

My heart is warm with the friends I make And better friends I'll not be knowing Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take No matter where it's going.

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Laugh your heart out.

Customer: This fish isn't as good as what I ordered here last month.Waiter: That's funny. It's from the same fish.


ákon - My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon—me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into …

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bolobayhon HILIGAYNON

bolobáyhon - Mediocre, middling, ordinary, indifferent, average, passable, tolerable, pretty, fair, not so bad, so-so, satisfactory, neither large nor small, …

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dawa-dawa HILIGAYNON

dawâ-dawâ - Satisfactory, middling, pretty well off, rather well to do, having enough, neither rich nor poor. (cf. dirâdirâ, ayádayád, …

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disgústo - (Sp. disgusto) Disgust, repugnance, dislike, aversion, displeasure; to disgust, offend, dislike, displease, annoy, vex, bother, fret, irritate, tire, …

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hulám - (H) Borrowing; to borrow, get a loan, raise money. Nakahulám siá sang ákon kwárta. He borrowed money from …

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human-human HILIGAYNON

humán-humán - Dim. and Freq. of humán. Also: Rather prosperous or well-todo, neither very rich nor poor, quite sufficient or …

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kakíd-ol - Savouriness, tastiness, toothsomeness (of eatables that are neither too soft nor too hard, but just right). (cf. kíd-ol).

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kapankapan HILIGAYNON

kapánkápan - Dim. and Freq. of kápan. Also: To be about equal, be a draw, be quits, square, neither winning …

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kasarangan HILIGAYNON

kasarángan - Temperance, moderation, sobriety, soberness, restraint; enough, not too much and not too little. Ang kasarángan. Temperance. Ang birtúd …

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katapúk - Fragility, frailty, brittleness, weakness, flimsiness, quality of—being easily broken or torn,—having neither strength nor solidity. (cf. tapúk).

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maarus-arus HILIGAYNON

maarús-arús - Satisfactory, neither rich nor poor, rather well-to-do, well off. (cf. dawâdawâ, dirâdirâ, hingánhingán).

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maga- - A verbal prefix used to denote: 1) the active future, e.g. Buás magalakát akó sa Ilóngílong. To-morrow I …

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mahalus-halus HILIGAYNON

mahalús-halús - Neither poor nor rich, moderate, mediocre, middling, satisfactory, not too much nor too little, of moderate means, rather …

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mahingan-hingan HILIGAYNON

mahingán-hingán - (B) Of some means or use, neither poor nor rich, possessed of moderate means, neither much nor very …

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manahi-nahi HILIGAYNON

manahî-nahî - Rather well-to-do, neither rich nor poor, satisfactory, sufficient. (cf. dawâdawâ, hingánhingán, dirâdirâ).

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nihaynihoy HILIGAYNON

niháynihóy - Movement, stir; to be quiet, say neither "yes” nor "no”. Walâ silá sing niháynihóy sa íla baláy. There …

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ólo - Head, head-piece, pate, noddle, brainbox, brain-pan, sconce, upper story, intellect; master, ruler, director, manager. Ginatágò níya ang íya …

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pátas - Undecided, tie, dead heat, draw, drawn game, neither winning nor losing, equal, even, level, quits, square; to be …

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sagíbang - A term used in wrestling, and said of two wrestlers that are simultaneously thrown on their backs, so …

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sámpan - On the side, neither face-up nor face-down, (placed) on (its) side. (cf. takílid).

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