"Mandioc" is a word in ENGLISH

mandioc ENGLISH

Alt. of Mandioca

Few words of positivity

Sometimes things are just what they seem to be and that's all there is to it.

Charles Bukowski

Laugh your heart out.

What did the bunny say when he only had thistles to eat?Thistle have to do!

strange ENGLISH

Belonging to another country; foreign.

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Three of the same cards held in the same hand; -- hence, three of anything.

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babylonish ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to, or made in, Babylon or Babylonia.

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kasko Definition: (noun) long flat-bottomed river boat used chiefly to carry cargo; a scow 2 Definition: Notes: Spanish Examples:

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inviter ENGLISH

One who, or that which, invites.

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manukmanuk CEBUANO

manukmánuk n {1} wind coming in strong gusts. {2} weather vane. v [B456; b4] be caught in gusting winds. Piligrung …

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To place again in a former state, condition, or office; to restore to a state or position from which the …

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efferent ENGLISH

Conveying outward, or discharging; -- applied to certain blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves, etc.

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indigested ENGLISH

Not softened by heat, hot water, or steam.

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sauropsida ENGLISH

A comprehensive group of vertebrates, comprising the reptiles and birds.

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mananggiti HILIGAYNON

mananggíti - Toddy-gatherer, tubâcollector, one whose daily business is to climb a number of coconut palms and to collect the …

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kaleidophon ENGLISH

Alt. of Kaleidophone

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nakaam-ames ILOKANO

adj. frightening, scary, dreadful, horrible. --syn NAKAAL-ALINGGET, NAKAAM-AMAK. NAKABUTBUTENG, NAKAAP-APRANG.

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triamide ENGLISH

An amide containing three amido groups.

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counterturn ENGLISH

The critical moment in a play, when, contrary to expectation, the action is embroiled in new difficulties.

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táduk - (B) To take a short cut, make a bee-line, walk from one place to another in a straight …

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Exalted in social standing or general estimation, or in rank, reputation, office, and the like; dignified; as, she was welcomed …

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