"Babylonish" is a word in ENGLISH

babylonish ENGLISH

Confused; Babel-like.

babylonish ENGLISH

Pertaining to the Babylon of Revelation xiv. 8.

babylonish ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to, or made in, Babylon or Babylonia.

babylonish ENGLISH

Pertaining to Rome and papal power.

Few words of positivity

You're like a gem shining ever brightly in an ever dimming world.

Zechariah Barrett

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call it when a cat bites? - A: Catnip!

babylonian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the real or to the mystical Babylon, or to the ancient kingdom of Babylonia; Chaldean.

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babylonical ENGLISH

Pertaining to Babylon, or made there; as, Babylonic garments, carpets, or hangings.

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exilic ENGLISH

Pertaining to exile or banishment, esp. to that of the Jews in Babylon.

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