"Living" is a word in ENGLISH

living ENGLISH

of Live

living ENGLISH

The state of one who, or that which, lives; lives; life;

living ENGLISH

Means of subsistence; sustenance; estate.

living ENGLISH

Power of continuing life; the act of living, or living

living ENGLISH

Manner of life; as, riotous living; penurious living;
earnest living.

living ENGLISH

The benefice of a clergyman; an ecclesiastical charge which
a minister receives.

Few words of positivity

You know what feels good to most of us when these obstacles, stresses and concerns consume us? Eating a dozen, warm chocolate chip cookies.Sure, there's always a time for chocolate chip cookies, but they aren't a solution to our problems. Neither is skipping the gym. Abandoning yet another weight loss attempt because life got too hard shouldn't be an option. It's no doubt annoying to have to count calories and keep burning calories when the world is going to hell around us, but it's important to keep perspective if you're actually going to be successful in losing weight. The perspective is that even through the pain and discomfort from a death, move, job loss, or general stress might last weeks, months, or even years, it is all temporary. Good health is, too.

Shawn Weeks, 344 Pounds: How I Lost 125 Pounds By Counting Calories

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross the Lone Ranger with an insect ?The Masked-quito !


Having life, in opposition to dead; living; being in a state in which the organs perform their functions; as, an …

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animate ENGLISH

Endowed with life; alive; living; animated; lively.

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animated ENGLISH

Endowed with life; full of life or spirit; indicating animation; lively; vigorous.

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animism ENGLISH

The belief that inanimate objects and the phenomena of nature are endowed with personal life or a living soul; also, …

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austere ENGLISH

Severe in modes of judging, or living, or acting; rigid; rigorous; stern; as, an austere man, look, life.

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bakía - To agree, pull well together, get along with, understand one another. Kon ang asáwa magbolobakía sa bána, dílì …

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That which exists in any form, whether it be material or spiritual, actual or ideal; living existence, as distinguished from …

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n. life. Narigat ti biag ditoy ili mi. Life is hard in our town. v. /AG-/ to live, remain alive, …

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bíbu a for a place to be lively, full of fun. Bíbu kaáyung syudad kun mapasku, The city is full …

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bída - (Sp. vida) Life; to live, work for a livelihood, keep oneself, maintain oneself. Anó ang ginabída mo sa …

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biochemistry ENGLISH

The chemistry of living organisms; the chemistry of the processes incidental to, and characteristic of, life.

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biographer ENGLISH

One who writes an account or history of the life of a particular person; a writer of lives, as Plutarch.

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biology ENGLISH

The science of life; that branch of knowledge which treats of living matter as distinct from matter which is not …

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bioplasm ENGLISH

A name suggested by Dr. Beale for the germinal matter supposed to be essential to the functions of all living …

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buhay2 Active Verb: bumuhay Passive Verb: buhayin Definition: 1) life (noun) 2) alive (adj) 3) to live; to become alive …

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buhay1 Active Verb: mabuhay Definition: 1) life (noun) 2) alive (adj) 3) to live; to become alive (verb) 2 Definition: …

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buhî - Alive, live, living, quick, existent, not dead; to live, be alive; to live, stay, reside, have one’s abode …

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búhì a {1} alive, living. Kun búhì pa si Tátay, If Dad were only alive. Búhì pa ang ákung pagláum, …

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Conversation LAW AND LEGAL

Manner of living; habits of life; conduct; as in the phrase "chaste life and conversation.” Bradshaw v. People, 153 111. …

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day-as CEBUANO

day-as a foreign to a place. Kalihúkan nga day-as sa kinabúhing Pilipinhun, Ways which are so foreign to the Filipino …

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