"Liugat" is a word in CEBUANO

liugat CEBUANO

liúgat see ugat.
líup v [A; c1] be laid o?
from work.
n {1} one who has been laid o?
{2} action of laying o?
liwat ka-() n {2a} ni Adan men as a group.
ni Íbà women as a group.
ka-an() n = kalíwat, 1.

Few words of positivity

Some men will never be heroes, some heroes will never be men, he thought, with urgent acknowledgements to Joseph Conrad.

John le Carré, The Russia House

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get from a drunk chicken ? Scotch eggs !


According to value. Duties are either ad valorem or speei/fc; the former when the duty Is laid in the form …

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agapang CEBUANO

agápang n k. o. mullet. agára v [A; a2] claim as his own s.t. owned in common with s. o. …

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andir a {1} short for andir dibúnal, bakyà, sáya be dominated, subjugated to ones wife. {2} subordinate to. Andir ku …

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bailita ILOKANO

n. the part of the rice plant with the grains that are cut and laid out on the rice field …

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bangday CEBUANO

bangday v [AB] be placed, place s.t. transversely across s.t. or pile up in criss-crossing fashion. Inig-abut níya mubanday dáyun …

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bantulay CEBUANO

bantúlay v [A; b6] pound buri palm strips in a wooden trough-like mortar to get the starch out. -an() n …

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bulad v [A; c1] {1} stay out in the sun. Nagbulad siya pag-bantayg trák, He waited for the bus in …

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The statute law of New Jer-sey recoguizes three different kinds of roads: A public road, a private road, aud a …

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dat-ug CEBUANO

dat-ug v [A; c] {1} put s.t. on s.t. to weigh it down. Aku ang nagdat-ug ug batu sa papil, …

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dat-ul CEBUANO

dat-ul v [A; c] {1} put s.t. on top of s.t. to strike or work on it. Kwanggul ang nagdat-ul …

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n. feast, festival, banquet. v. /AG-/ to have this. 2 DAYA; SIDADAYA, adj. exposed, laid bare, presented to view.

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Fractional LAW AND LEGAL

As applied to tracts of land, particularly townships, sections, quar-ter sections, and other divisions according to the government survey, and …

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ham-ak CEBUANO

ham-ak v {1} [A; c] put things down in a disorderly way. Nagkayamúkat ang ákung lamísa kay giham-ákan nímu sa …

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hapin n {1} s.t. that is laid over or under s.t. Hapin sa lamísa, Tablecloth. Hapin sa bátà, Babys diaper. …

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húlay v [b(1)] be given respite, an interval of rest. Ang daruhan nga gihuwáyan sa mais naulian, The field that …

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ispisu CEBUANO

ispísu a {1} for liquids to be thick, of great density. Ispísu kaáyung sikwáti kay gidaghan níyag tablíya, The chocolate …

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istilitu CEBUANO

istilítu n stiletto, a small dagger-like instrument used for making holes in cloth to be embroidered. v [c6] use s.t. …

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kang n four mahjong pieces of the same suit (same design and number). Having a kang wins a certain amount. …

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kangga CEBUANO

kangga n k. o. carabao-drawn sled with two large runners laid flat on the ground to which traces are attached, …

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kudyapi CEBUANO

kudyapì n musical instrument with six or more strings, having a flat, rectangular, wooden body. It is laid down and …

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