"Litsun" is a word in CEBUANO

litsun CEBUANO

litsun n {1} pig roasted whole over coals.
{2} by extension, fowl so roasted.
dilitsi roast suckling pig.
{3} euphemism for litsi, a mild curse said when one is annoyed with s.
Litsun ning batáa samukan kaáyu, Darn this child.
Hes such a nuisance.
v [A; a2] roast a pig, have a roast pig or, by extension, a fowl.
-in-n animal so roasted whole over coals.
-un() n a pig in the stage of growth considered ideal for roasting.

Few words of positivity

The nice thing about the gallery shows is that without having to pay any money you can just go and see it.

Yoko Ono

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama teeth are so yellow traffic slows down when she smiles!


asal v [A; a] roast over hot coals (not said of sea food). Kinsay nag-asal íni nga kagubkub man? Who …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to roast. Sapaen na nga asaren diay baboy. He will roast the pig early. --syn. TUNO.

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bahù a {1} odorous, ill-smelling. Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks. {2} having been …

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bangkilya CEBUANO

bangkilya n helper, assistant in doing s.t. v [A; c1] serve as helper, assistant in s. o. s work. Bangkilyáhun …

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bayang CEBUANO

bayang v [AB; bc] go, put s.t. where it is exposed to view or to the elements. Mibayang na siya …

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bringhawus CEBUANO

bringhawus n food given to a guest at a party, feast, etc. to bring home. v [A; c1] for a …

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danglug CEBUANO

danglug a slippery from being wet or having s.t. slimy on it. v [B; b6] become, make slippery. Mudángug (madángug) …

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guba v [b(1)] swarm over s.t. to consume it. Gigubhan sa mga manuk ang binlad, The chickens swarmed over the …

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gulub v [A; ab2] slice a piece or part of s.t. with a single motion. Siyay naggulub sa kúgun, She …

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hágpok - To be or make crisp, crimp, friable, short. Naghágpok iníng kiníhad nga tinápay. These slices of bread have …

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handus CEBUANO

handus v [A; c] {1} push, thrust s.t. long forward. Kun kita lang duha dì giyud ta makahandus niíning awtúha, …

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hatsit CEBUANO

hatsit n sumptuous meal (colloquial). Birtdi níya run. Sigúru may hatsit, Its his birthday today. There is sure to be …

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íhaw - To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal); to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of beasts. Iháwa ang báka. Slaughter …

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ihid v [A; bc] go or bring s.t. away unnoticed. Giihiran námù ang míting, We sneaked away from the meeting. …

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syn. of INA: usually used as a term of address. INAPOY [= -IN-+ APOY], n. cooked, boiled or steamed rice. …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ [= INGPEN] to imagine, dream about. Letson ti ing-ingpek. What I am imagining is roast pig.

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kabra v [A; a] {1} break s.t. open by prying it. Bára ray makakabra niánang bintánà, We can force that …

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kagubkub CEBUANO

kagubkub a {1} crunchy, crisp. Kagubkub kaáyug pánit ang inasal, The roast pig has very crisp skin. {2} making a …

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kain Active Verb: kumain Passive Verb: kainin Definition: 1) food (noun) -- PAGKAIN 2) to eat (verb) 2 Definition: Notes: …

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kalabat CEBUANO

kalábat v {1} [A2; c] reach up to an amount or length of time. Ang húlaw nakakábat giyud ug tulu …

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