"Lingaw" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


lingáw - To be distracted, look about
curiously or listlessly, divert one’s
attention, entertain, amuse; distracted,
astray, lost, diverted. Indì ka maglingáw
(magpalingáw) sa simbáhan. Do not be
distracted in church. Ilingáw akó ánay
sináng mga bátà. Kindly amuse those
children for me. Ilingáw sa íya iníng
hampangánan. Divert him with this toy.
Lingawá siá. Distract, entertain or amuse
him. Lingáw silá. They are distracted. (cf.
lingô, lingî, lingíg, lísi, bangá).

lingaw CEBUANO

lingaw v {1} [A; a12] attract ones interest or attention.
Ákung lingawun si Máma ug ikay kúhà sa dulsi, Ill keep Moms attention while you get the candy.
{2} [A2; a12] entertain, amuse.
Ang íyang kumidiya dílì makalingaw nákù, His jokes dont amuse me.
Nalingaw ang bátà ug panakup ug apan, The child is amused, occupying himself with catching grasshoppers.
n thing to keep oneself busy with.
Ug wà kay lingaw, pagtuun, If you dont have anything to do, you could study.
ka- v [A3; b6] do s.t.
in ones spare time, spend ones time doing s.t.
Samtang nagpaábut ku, magkalingaw kug bása, While I am waiting, I will pass the time reading.
lingawlíngaw v {1} [A13] amuse, divert oneself.
Human sa trabáhu, maglingawlíngaw mi, After work we amuse ourselves.
{2} [A13; b6] spend ones spare time doing s.t.
Human dáyun ni kay ákung lingawlingáwan ug pintal human sa trabáhu, It wont take long to get done painting because Ill do it in my spare time after work.
n recreation, amusement.
Álang kaníya ang panulat usa ka lingawlíngaw, For him writing is a form of relaxation.
palingawlíngaw v [A; b6] pretend to be occupied or engrossed with s.t.
to avoid confronting an embarrassing situa-tion.
Nainsultuhan gud siya piru nagpalingawlíngaw lag hinábì sa uban, She felt insulted but she just pretended to be engrossed in her conversation with other people.
ka-an() n amusement.
Sa karnabalan daghang kalingáwan, In the fair grounds there are lots of amusements.
maka-r-() a a?
ording amusement.

Few words of positivity

When you're tired, sleep. Don't watch stupid tv or play games on your phone. Sleep, and then get up early, and do the stuff you hope you'll be known for after you die.

Maggie Stiefvater

Laugh your heart out.

How many students does it take to change a light bulb?None. Light bulb changing isn't in the course notes.


bangá - To like, be pleased with, enjoy; to entertain, amuse. Nagakabangá silá sang sugilánon. They enjoy conversation. Ginbangahán níla …

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bángog - Head, will, thought, mind, soul, inclination. Walâ gid inâ sa bángog ko. That never entered my head, is …

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buut want, would like to. Buut siyang makig-isturya nímu, He wishes to talk to you. Unsay buut níyang isulti? What …

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dalipsu CEBUANO

dalipsù v [B26; c1P] slide. Midalipsù ang bátang ákung gikúgus, The child I was carrying slipped out of my arms. …

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gála v {1} [Ac; ac] play games, play with s.t. Mugála gihápun kag munyíka? Do you still play with dolls? …

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hadiyung CEBUANO

hadiyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A; b2cP] whistle or whiz by. Hángin nga naghadiyung, Whistling wind. Naghadiyung ang …

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hayahay CEBUANO

hayáhay a {1a} airy, comfortable and refreshing to the skin. King kwartúha hayáhay kay atbang sa hángin, This room is …

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lakat v {1} [A; a] walk. Mulakat na ang bátà, The baby is able to walk now. Duul ra man …

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linga, línga (from alinga) a inattentive due to preoccupation with s.t. else. Balikbalíka pag-isplikar kay linga kaáyu, Repeat your explanation …

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lingaw-lingaw HILIGAYNON

lingáw-língaw - Dim. and Freq. of lingáw. Lingáwlingáwa ang bátà. Do something to amuse the baby. Nagalingáwlíngaw silá sa baybáyon. …

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mintiryu CEBUANO

mintiryu n cemetery. v [B1256] die (lit. go to the cemetery). Sa ímung kabágis mamintiryu giyud kag sayu, You are …

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muut, múut (from buut) a funny, extremely laughable. Muut kaáyu si Dulpi mudala ug kumidiya, Dolphy is very funny in …

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nawug n {1} fine sediment that settles at the bottom of a con-tainer. {2} youngest child in the family (humorous). …

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paguya-guya HILIGAYNON

paguyá-gúya - Diversion, holiday; display; to have a good time, go in search of pleasure or amusement, to divert oneself. …

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pasar v {1} [A2; a2b2] pass an exam, screening, or the like. Mipasar siya sa iksámin sa sirbisyu sibil, He …

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takud v {1} [AC; ac] attach s.t. to s.t. else, put it right next to s.t. so that it touches. …

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tuwittuwit CEBUANO

tuwittuwit n chirp of birds. Makalingaw pamináwun ang mga tuwittuwit sa mga langgam, Its amusing to listen to the birds …

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yakát - Invitation, persuasion, inducing, urging; to urge, induce, persuade, incite, instigate, prevail upon, attract, allure, entice, draw. Yakatá ang …

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yundo-yundo HILIGAYNON

yundô-yúndò - To play with, fondle, divert, amuse, make smile (a baby, etc.). Magyundôyúndò ka sa bátà. Play with the …

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