"Lan-Os" is a word in HILIGAYNON


lán-os - Still-born, a lifeless foetus (of man
or beast); to be born dead. Nalán-os ang
bátà. The child was still-born. Nagbátà siá
sing lán-os. She gave birth to a dead child.
(cf. hár-as).

Few words of positivity

He searched for my gaze and the second he found it, I cracked a smile. “There it is.” He palmed his chest again and sighed. “All is right in the world again.

Shelly Crane, Undeniably Chosen

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: You've been e-mailing other pupils that I'm ugly!Pupil: Sorry, miss, I didn't realise you wanted to keep it a secret.

barker ENGLISH

One who strips trees of their bark.

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smock frock ENGLISH

A coarse frock, or shirt, worn over the other dress, as by farm laborers.

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hakíd - (B) To scoop out rice from a kettle, etc. Kon maghakíd ka sang tiníg-ang, ímo ánay kalikádon (—áron). …

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tillow ENGLISH
cementation ENGLISH

A process which consists in surrounding a solid body with the powder of other substances, and heating the whole to …

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rutilian ENGLISH

Any species of lamellicorn beetles belonging to Rutila and allied genera, as the spotted grapevine beetle (Pelidnota punctata).

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outerly ENGLISH

Utterly; entirely.

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radrad ILOKANO

v. /MANGI-: I-/ to rub vigorously on something. Iradrad mo ta asin dita karne. Rub the salt vigorously on that …

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To cause to move suddenly; to disturb suddenly; to startle; to alarm; to rouse; to cause to flee or fly; …

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comorbidity ENGLISH

The existence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient

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kapetéra - (Sp. cafetéra) Coffee-pot.

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hi - An exclamation of disgust, anger, or the like. Hi, kagamó sináng mga bátà! Oh, how troublesome those children …

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skelter ENGLISH

To run off helter-skelter; to hurry; to scurry; -- with away or off.

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sumbálì - To turn—round,—upside dow,— inside out, to reverse. (cf. sulî, balískad).

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