"Lagutu" is a word in CEBUANO

lagutu CEBUANO

lagutù n {1} dull, cracking sound.
{2} for rice or corn grits to be half-cooked, such that they still crunch.
v {1} [AN] make a dull, thick, cracking sound.
Milagutù ang ákung lutáhan pagtindug nákù, My joints made a dull cracking sound when I stood up.
Ang nagpanlagutù nga pundu sa gángu, The creaking of the ropes tying the large raft.
{2} [B15; b6] for rice or corn grits to be half-cooked.

Few words of positivity

Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to not make the same mistake twice.

Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door

Laugh your heart out.

How did cows feel when the branding iron was invented?They were very impressed!


baság - Hollow, dull, not resonant, cracked, said of sounds, as of a broken or cracked bell and the like; …

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lághong - Jangle, discord, cacophony, aloud, inharmonious, harsh, disagreeable, discordant, jarring sound or noise, as of a cracked bell, a …

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lagupu CEBUANO

lagupù, lagúpù n dull cracking sound of bones. () v [A2S] for bones to make a dull cracking sound. lagúrul …

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saláksak - Dull, hollow, flat, cracked, discordant, dissonant, jarring (of sounds as of a broken bell); out of tune, inharmonious …

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