"Lagupu" is a word in CEBUANO

lagupu CEBUANO

lagupù, lagúpù n dull cracking sound of bones.
() v [A2S] for bones to make a dull cracking sound.
lagúrul v [A; b] shave the head clean.
Gilagurúlan ang prísu nga patyunun, They shaved the prisoners head clean.

Few words of positivity

I often hear people talk about how corrupt their politicians are, it makes me laugh because, the very same people who are complaining are just as corrupt. When they get to those same places of authority, they do exactly the same thing for which they were complaining against the previous politicians.

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

Is there a mouse in the house ? No, but there's a moose on the loose !


baság - Hollow, dull, not resonant, cracked, said of sounds, as of a broken or cracked bell and the like; …

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lághong - Jangle, discord, cacophony, aloud, inharmonious, harsh, disagreeable, discordant, jarring sound or noise, as of a cracked bell, a …

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lagutu CEBUANO

lagutù n {1} dull, cracking sound. {2} for rice or corn grits to be half-cooked, such that they still crunch. …

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saláksak - Dull, hollow, flat, cracked, discordant, dissonant, jarring (of sounds as of a broken bell); out of tune, inharmonious …

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