"Kumu" is a word in CEBUANO


kúmu {1} [noun, adjective] as one in [such-and-such] a capac-ity.
Kúmu magulang siya nímu, mutáhud giyud ka níya, As your older brother, you must obey him.
Kúmu gwápa, daghang mulíngì iniglabay níya, Being beautiful, many people turn to look at her as she passes by.
{2} kay since, seeing that.
Kúmu kay girikumindar kag pulitiku, nakulukar ka na, Because a politi-cian recommended you, you got placed in a job.
Kúmu ba kay prisidinti siya sa kapunúngan, dílì siya muámut?
Just because he is the president of the organization, he doesnt contribute?
{3} may, way there is s.t.
(nothing) as good as .
May kúmu pa bang basahun ingun sa Bisayà?
Is there any magazine as good to read as the Bisaya?
Way kúmu ning dúna tay amígu sa Kustum, Theres nothing as good as having a friend in the Customs Bureau.


kúmù n {1} clenched fist.
{2} interjection indicating a brusque rejection of ones suggestion: go to hell!
Ikay manghúgas run, ha?
You wash the dishes today, OK?
Drop dead, will you?
v [A1N; ac1] clench ones fist, keep s.t.
tightly in ones palm.
Nangúmù siya sa hilabihang kalágut, He clenched his fists in anger.
Kumúa nang kindi arun dì makítà, Keep the candy in your fist so that no one can see it.
Kumúa (ikúmù) ang ímung kamut, Clench your fists.
-in-= kúmù, n.
-in-ay v [C23] clench fists at each other.

Few words of positivity

If you are going to speak out against injustice, if you are angry at ungodliness in the society, then you have the opposing force to contend against.

Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the chicken cross the "net" ?It wanted to get to the other site !


kay {1} because, for the reason that. Undang na ta kay gikápuy man ku, Lets quit because Im tired. Kay …

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tungud CEBUANO

tungud {1} because, due to. Napúkan si Samsun tungud ni Dilayla, Samson fell because of Delilah. Tungud kay nalísang ku, …

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