"Katsubung, Katsubung" is a word in HILIGAYNON

katsubung, katsubung HILIGAYNON

katsubúng, katsúbung - A kind of
plant; it is poisonous.

Few words of positivity

If it weren’t for her setting me free, I may still be a caged bird today, holding my own daughter captive on a shit-laden perch.

Raquel Cepeda, Bird of Paradise: How I Became Latina

Laugh your heart out.

What does an octopus take on a camping trip?Tentacles!

nguynguy CEBUANO

nguynguy = danguynguy.

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cuneiform ENGLISH

Alt. of Cuniform

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recoilingly ENGLISH

In the manner of a recoil.

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reverse ENGLISH

To turn back; to cause to face in a contrary direction; to cause to depart.

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pantophagist ENGLISH

A person or an animal that has the habit of eating all kinds of food.

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pampbut CEBUANO

pampbut = pambut.

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palfrey ENGLISH

A small saddle horse for ladies.

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interior ENGLISH

Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore; inland; as, the interior parts of a region or country.

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pheasant ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of large gallinaceous birds of the genus Phasianus, and many other genera of the family …

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gauntlet ENGLISH

A long glove, covering the wrist.

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cresset ENGLISH

A small furnace or iron cage to hold fire for charring the inside of a cask, and making the staves …

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vorticel ENGLISH
impregnant ENGLISH

That which impregnates.

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pyroxenite ENGLISH

A rock consisting essentially of pyroxene.

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ensáyo - (Sp. ensayo) Rehearsal, preparatory practice, exercise; to rehearse, practise. (cf. hánas, hanáshánas).

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spadiceous ENGLISH

Bearing flowers on a spadix; of the nature of a spadix.

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To make a hissing sound; as, a flatiron hot enough to siss when touched with a wet finger.

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To have complete control over; to turn and bend at one's pleasure; to vary or alter or will; to regulate; …

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