"Pheasant" is a word in ENGLISH

pheasant ENGLISH

The ruffed grouse.

pheasant ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of large gallinaceous birds
of the genus Phasianus, and many other genera of the family
Phasianidae, found chiefly in Asia.

Few words of positivity

If the thought of losing someone doesn't scare the shit out of you, then it's not love

Penelope Ward, My Skylar

Laugh your heart out.

An armless man walked into a bar which is empty except for the bartender. He ordered a drink and when he was served, asked the bartender if he would get the money from his wallet in his pocket, since he has no arms. The bartender obliged him. He then asked if the bartender would tip the glass to his lips. The bartender did this until the man finished his drink. He then asked if the bartender would get a hanky from his pocket and wipe the foam from his lips. The bartender did it and commented it must be very difficult not to have arms and have to ask someone to do nearly everything for him. The man said, "Yes, it is a bit embarrassing at times. By the way, where is your restroom?" The bartender quickly replies -, "The closest one is in the gas station three blocks down the street."

breeze ENGLISH

An excited or ruffed state of feeling; a flurry of excitement; a disturbance; a quarrel; as, the discovery produced a …

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To beat with the fingers, as with drumsticks; to beat with a rapid succession of strokes; to make a noise …

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drumming ENGLISH

The act of beating upon, or as if upon, a drum; also, the noise which the male of the ruffed …

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Equable; not easily ruffed or disturbed; calm; uniformly self-possessed; as, an even temper.

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A ruffing of a bird's feathers from cold.

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macaco ENGLISH

Any one of several species of lemurs, as the ruffed lemur (Lemur macaco), and the ring-tailed lemur (L. catta).

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maucaco ENGLISH

A lemur; -- applied to several species, as the White-fronted, the ruffed, and the ring-tailed lemurs.

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partlet ENGLISH

A hen; -- so called from the ruffing of her neck feathers.

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partridge ENGLISH

The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus).

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quiescent ENGLISH

Not ruffed with passion; unagitated; not in action; not excited; quiet; dormant; resting.

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ruffed ENGLISH

Furnished with a ruff.

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