"Kalinawan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

kalinawan HILIGAYNON

kalináwan - See kalínaw. Also: Things
that insure peace and tranquillity.

Few words of positivity

Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.

John Wesley

Laugh your heart out.

How did Gertie Gorilla win the beauty contest?She was the beast of the show!

powerful ENGLISH

Large; capacious; -- said of veins of ore.

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táhud v {1} [A23; a12] obey. Tahúra úsà ang ákung gipabúhat úsà magdúwà, Do what I tell you to before …

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purbinggay CEBUANO

purbinggay, purbingguy, purbisgut, purbista euphemism for pur-bída. see pur-.

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One of the smallest flangellate Infusoria; esp., the species of the genus Monas, and allied genera.

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repression ENGLISH

That which represses; check; restraint.

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cyanogen ENGLISH

A colorless, inflammable, poisonous gas, C2N2, with a peach-blossom odor, so called from its tendency to form blue compounds; obtained …

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To smooth over; to palliate.

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coracle ENGLISH

A boat made by covering a wicker frame with leather or oilcloth. It was used by the ancient Britons, and …

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The quality or state of being constitutional, or inherent in the natural frame.

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acidification ENGLISH

The act or process of acidifying, or changing into an acid.

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carmagnole ENGLISH

A bombastic report from the French armies.

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tremex ENGLISH

A genus of large hymenopterous insects allied to the sawflies. The female lays her eggs in holes which she bores …

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pyrolignic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or designating, the acid liquid obtained in the distillation of wood, consisting essentially of impure acetic acid.

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pus-aw CEBUANO

pus-aw v [B; b6] {1} for a color to fade. Mipus-aw (napus-aw) ang sinínà sa dúgay nga uran, The dress …

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nugation ENGLISH

The act or practice of trifling.

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unbreech ENGLISH

To free the breech of, as a cannon, from its fastenings or coverings.

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kúlù v {1} [B23(1); b4(1)] shrink in length or width. Panaptun nga dílì mukúlù, Cloth that doesnt shrink. Kwáa ang …

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The worn side of the bank of a river. See 4th Fret, n., 4.

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The territorial jurisdic-tlon of a sheriff or bailiff. 1 Bl. Comm. 344. Greenup v. Bacon. 1 T. B. Mon. (Ky.) …

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