"Kabisadu" is a word in CEBUANO

kabisadu CEBUANO

kabisádu a {1} have complete knowledge of s.t.
Kabisádu na nákù ang (kabisádu na aku sa) mga dálan dinhi, Im completely familiar with roads here.
{2} have complete knowledge of a procedure.
Kabisádu kaáyu siya sa mga makina, He is very knowledgeable about engines.

Few words of positivity

A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home from an audience with the august executive. The president spun a story about a machine that baffled a chess champion by beating him thrice. The stunned champ cried while inspecting the machine, "There's a man in there!"Lincoln's good news, he confided from the heights of leadership, was that there was in fact a man in there.

Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville

Laugh your heart out.

Morris was passing a small courtyard and heard voices murmuring.He went in and saw an altar with a large zero in the middle anda banner that said 'N I L'. White-robed people were kneeling before the altar chanting hymnsto The Great Nullity ,The Blessed Emptiness, and The Big Zero inthe Sky. Morris turned to a white-robed observer beside him and wispered,.... ...... "Is Nothing Sacred?"

minious ENGLISH

Of the color of red or vermilion.

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sunbird ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of small brilliantly colored birds of the family Nectariniidae, native of Africa, Southern Asia, the …

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prosecute ENGLISH

To follow after.

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intoxicant ENGLISH

That which intoxicates; an intoxicating agent; as, alcohol, opium, and laughing gas are intoxicants.

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Imposture practiced on one's self; self-deceit.

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gúlung - A wheel; any circular frame or disk. (cf. alíling, aríring, ruéda).

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A combination of kindred to avenge injuries or affronts, done or offered to any of their blood, on the offender …

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Any jager gull; especially, the Megalestris skua; -- called also boatswain.

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nameless ENGLISH

Without a name; not having been given a name; as, a nameless star.

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betroth ENGLISH

To promise to take (as a future spouse); to plight one's troth to.

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inertia ENGLISH

That property of matter by which it tends when at rest to remain so, and when in motion to continue …

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binalangkaan HILIGAYNON

binalangkáan - (B) Cut in two, halved, split asunder, cloven. Binalangkáan nga nióg (lubí). A coconut split open. Split coconut …

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sematrope ENGLISH

An instrument for signaling by reflecting the rays of the sun in different directions.

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adelphia ENGLISH

A \"brotherhood,\" or collection of stamens in a bundle; -- used in composition, as in the class names, Monadelphia, Diadelphia, …

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recommend ENGLISH

To make acceptable; to attract favor to.

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earthworm ENGLISH

A mean, sordid person; a niggard.

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sallow ENGLISH

A name given to certain species of willow, especially those which do not have flexible shoots, as Salix caprea, S. …

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metalline ENGLISH

Impregnated with metallic salts; chalybeate; as, metalline water.

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To cross with lines in a peculiar manner in drawing and engraving. See Hatching.

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