"Inertia" is a word in ENGLISH

inertia ENGLISH

Inertness; indisposition to motion, exertion, or action;
want of energy; sluggishness.

inertia ENGLISH

That property of matter by which it tends when at rest to
remain so, and when in motion to continue in motion, and in the same
straight line or direction, unless acted on by some external force; --
sometimes called vis inertiae.

inertia ENGLISH

Want of activity; sluggishness; -- said especially of the
uterus, when, in labor, its contractions have nearly or wholly ceased.

Few words of positivity

Magic is always been there, just believe, then you'll see it

Nourhan Mamdouh

Laugh your heart out.

What's the difference between a dim monster and a birthday candle?The candle is a thousand times brighter!

inertness ENGLISH

Want of activity or exertion; habitual indisposition to action or motion; sluggishness; apathy; insensibility.

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sluggish ENGLISH

Slow; having little motion; as, a sluggish stream.

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