"Juiceless" is a word in ENGLISH

juiceless ENGLISH

Lacking juice; dry.

Few words of positivity

From the beginning, Europe assumed the power to make decisions within the international trading system. An excellent illustration of that is the fact that the so-called international law which governed the conduct of nations on the high seas was nothing else but European law. Africans did not participate in its making, and in many instances, African people were simply the victims, for the law recognized them only as transportable merchandise. If the African slave was thrown overboard at sea, the only legal problem that arose was whether or not the slave ship could claim compensation from the insurers! Above all, European decision-making power was exercised in selecting what Africa should export – in accordance with European needs. Pg. 77

Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

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How do footballers send messages?By referee-mail.


kapóte - Select tobacco leaves used as wrappers for cigars. Dálhi akó sing maáyo nga dáhon sang tabákò, kay ikapóte …

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anglo-saxon ENGLISH

The language of the English people before the Conquest (sometimes called Old English). See Saxon.

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divisive ENGLISH

Indicating division or distribution.

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To pass a rope round, as a cask, gun, etc., preparatory to attaching a hoisting or lowering tackle.

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kasúdlan - Entrails, bowels, guts, viscera. (sulúd).

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bunubon ILOKANO

n. seedling, a plant grown from a seed for transplanting. v. /AG-/ to grow plants from seeds for transplanting; to …

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distinguish ENGLISH

To recognize or discern by marks, signs, or characteristic quality or qualities; to know and discriminate (anything) from other things …

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katáhaw - Loss of strength, defection, deterioration. (cf. táhaw).

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bat-ul CEBUANO

bat-ul n hard lumps found in fleshy fruits. v [a4] for fruits to get lumps in them. Gibat-ul ang ságing, …

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bracteal ENGLISH

Having the nature or appearance of a bract.

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usurper ENGLISH

One who usurps; especially, one who seizes illegally on sovereign power; as, the usurper of a throne, of power, or …

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japanese ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Japan, or its inhabitants.

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impulsive ENGLISH

Acting momentarily, or by impulse; not continuous; -- said of forces.

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innuent ENGLISH

Conveying a hint; significant.

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Resistance LAW AND LEGAL

The act of resisting op-position; the employment of forcible means to prevent the execution of an endeavor in which force …

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Nababarahibuan - to feel inferior

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populate ENGLISH

To furnish with inhabitants, either by natural increase or by immigration or colonization; to cause to be inhabited; to people.

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humbug ENGLISH

An imposition under fair pretenses; something contrived in order to deceive and mislead; a trick by cajolery; a hoax.

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assurance ENGLISH

The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.

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