"Populate" is a word in ENGLISH

populate ENGLISH


populate ENGLISH

To propagate.

populate ENGLISH

To furnish with inhabitants, either by natural
increase or by immigration or colonization; to cause to be inhabited;
to people.

Few words of positivity

We cannot change outcomes, but we can change causes

Seth Czerepak

Laugh your heart out.

A famous professor of surgery died and went to heaven. At the pearly gate he was asked by the gatekeeper: 'Have you ever committed a sin you truly regret?' 'Yes,' the professor ansvered. 'When I was a young candidate at the hospital of Saint Lucas, we played soccer against at team from the Community Hospital, and I scored a goal, which was off-side. But the referee did not se it so, and the goal won us the match. I regret that now.' 'Well,' said the gatekeeper. 'That is a very minor sin. You may enter.' 'Thank you very much, Saint Peter,' the professor ansvered. 'Im am not Saint Peter,' said the gatekeeper. 'He is having his lunchbreak. I am Saint Lucas.'


A calling together of the king's (esp. the French king's) vassals for military service; also, the body of vassals thus …

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A friend to colonization, esp. (U. S. Hist) to the colonization of Africa by emigrants from the colored population of …

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concentrate ENGLISH

To approach or meet in a common center; to consolidate; as, population tends to concentrate in cities.

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criminology ENGLISH

A treatise on crime or the criminal population.

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denizen ENGLISH

To provide with denizens; to populate with adopted or naturalized occupants.

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depopulacy ENGLISH

Depopulation; destruction of population.

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depopulate ENGLISH

To deprive of inhabitants, whether by death or by expulsion; to reduce greatly the populousness of; to dispeople; to unpeople.

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Depopulation LAW AND LEGAL

In old Engllsh law. A specles of wapte by whlch the population of the kingdom was diminished. Depopula-tion of houses …

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desert ENGLISH

A tract, which may be capable of sustaining a population, but has been left unoccupied and uncultivated; a wilderness; a …

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desert ENGLISH

A deserted or forsaken region; a barren tract incapable of supporting population, as the vast sand plains of Asia and …

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Empresarios LAW AND LEGAL

In Mexlcau law. Undertakers or promoters of extensive enterprises, aided by concessions or monopolistic grants from government; particularly, persons receiving …

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felonry ENGLISH

A body of felons; specifically, the convict population of a penal colony.

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fractional ENGLISH

Relatively small; inconsiderable; insignificant; as, a fractional part of the population.

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In old English law, a small, nar-row slip of ground. Cowell. In modem laud law, a small triangular piece of …

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hanao, hanawo HILIGAYNON

hanáo, hanáwo - Populous, peopled, full of people, densely populated. (cf. táo, táwo).

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hanáwo - Populous. See hanáo.

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ilihan CEBUANO

ilíhan n remote area, thinly populated, usually forested and in-accessible to vehicles. Ayaw pagsúut sa ilíhan, tingálig maw ka, You …

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impeople ENGLISH

To people; to give a population to.

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inhabitation ENGLISH

Population; inhabitants.

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kinitáan - Earnings; junction, juncture, seam, joint, joining, meeting together. Ang kinitáan sang mga mamumugón mapúslan sang búg-os nga bánwa. …

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