"Ivy-Mantled" is a word in ENGLISH

ivy-mantled ENGLISH

Covered with ivy.

Few words of positivity

For me, there is no such thing as a negative experience.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Laugh your heart out.

When do men insist that women are illogical?When a woman doesn't agree with them.

sungad ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ to approach, draw near. adj. /MA-/ coming, succeeding.

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inorthography ENGLISH

Deviation from correct orthography; bad spelling.

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wrongdoer ENGLISH

One who injures another, or who does wrong.

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particular ENGLISH

A separate or distinct member of a class, or part of a whole; an individual fact, point, circumstance, detail, or …

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layóng - Dry, arid, parched; to dry up, etc. (cf. láyà, layâ, malá).

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salute ENGLISH

Hence, to give a sign of good will; to compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow, …

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linti n {1} lens, magnifying glass. {2} searchlight. v {1} [b] use a magnifying glass on s.t. Lintíhi ang mga …

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ayát - Challenge, provocation, defiance; to defy, challenge, provoke. Ayatá siá. Defy him. Challenge him. Ayatí siá sang binángon. Challenge …

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galactin ENGLISH

An amorphous, gelatinous substance containing nitrogen, found in milk and other animal fluids. It resembles peptone, and is variously regarded …

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splenotomy ENGLISH

An incision into the spleen; removal of the spleen by incision.

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The act or art precipitating a metal electro-chemical action, by which a coating is deposited, on a prepared surface, as …

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In old Engllsh law. Battel; the trial by combat or duellum

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To set or adorn with stars, or bright, radiating bodies; to bespangle; as, a robe starred with gems.

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otalgia ENGLISH

Pain in the ear; earache.

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simpering ENGLISH

a. &. n. from Simper, v.

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flutist ENGLISH

A performer on the flute; a flautist.

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bechance ENGLISH

By chance; by accident.

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The breeze fly. See Breeze.

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essence ENGLISH

The constituent elementary notions which constitute a complex notion, and must be enumerated to define it; sometimes called the nominal …

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