"Itched" is a word in ENGLISH

itched ENGLISH

of Itch

Few words of positivity

Together in our house, in the firelight, we are the world made small.

Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution

Laugh your heart out.

Where do steers go to dance? To the Meat Ball!

acarina ENGLISH

The group of Arachnida which includes the mites and ticks. Many species are parasitic, and cause diseases like the itch …

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agís-is - The mange, scab or itch of dogs and other domestic animals.

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antipsoric ENGLISH

Of use in curing the itch.

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arikís - A skin disease, resembling prickly heat but itching more, and, consequently, causing much greater discomfort, (cf. kagídkid).

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bag-id CEBUANO

bag-id v [AB46; ac] rub back and forth against. Mibag-id ang bábuy sa batu kay gikatlan, The pig brushed itself …

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bilangga CEBUANO

bilanggà n infection a? ecting the vaginal lips, characterized by reddening and intense itching. v [a4b4] for vaginal lips to …

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n. hair on wormlike larvas or plants and fruits. v. /AG-/ to itch, to become itchy. /MAKA-/ to cause to …

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bugì n k. o. skin disease characterized by intense itching and development of scales. v {1} [B1246; a4] get infected …

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bulan-bulan HILIGAYNON

bulán-bulán - A kind of plant that causes a severe itch, when its spores are brought in contact with the …

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cacoethes ENGLISH

A bad custom or habit; an insatiable desire; as, cacoethes scribendi, \"The itch for writing\".

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celandine ENGLISH

A perennial herbaceous plant (Chelidonium majus) of the poppy family, with yellow flowers. It is used as a medicine in …

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chilblain ENGLISH

A blain, sore, or inflammatory swelling, produced by exposure of the feet or hands to cold, and attended by itching, …

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courap ENGLISH

A skin disease, common in India, in which there is perpetual itching and eruption, esp. of the groin, breast, armpits, …

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cowhage ENGLISH

A leguminous climbing plant of the genus Mucuna, having crooked pods covered with sharp hairs, which stick to the fingers, …

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dápaw - A small insect often to be found in hens’ nests and causing a peculiar itch, if it gets …

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dúray - To tickle, titillate, make to itch. Duráya ang bátà, agúd magkádlaw. Tickle the baby to make it laugh. …

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eczema ENGLISH

An inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by the presence of redness and itching, an eruption of small vesicles, and …

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elcaja ENGLISH

An Arabian tree (Trichilia emetica). The fruit, which is emetic, is sometimes employed in the composition of an ointment for …

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gaddil ILOKANO

n. scabies, itch, sarna; mange. v. /AG-, -EN/ to be affected with this.

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galis Definition: (noun) itch

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