"Istanti" is a word in CEBUANO

istanti CEBUANO

istanti n {1} glass showcase.
{2} shelf.
v {1} [b6(1)] add a glass showcase or shelf.
{2} [c16] put in a showcase or shelf.
Istantíha (iistanti) nang inyung baligyà, Put your merchandise inside a showcase.

Few words of positivity

Just because you are on a path to damnation, doesn’t mean you’re going to get there. Be willing to change your travel plans.

Wllm Worth, Jona: Autobiography of an Exorcist

Laugh your heart out.

What do cows wear when they're vacationing in Hawaii? Moo moos

dissolvable ENGLISH

Capable of being dissolved, or separated into component parts; capable of being liquefied; soluble.

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syn. of INA: usually used as a term of address. INAPOY [= -IN-+ APOY], n. cooked, boiled or steamed rice. …

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divorce ENGLISH

The separation of a married woman from the bed and board of her husband -- divorce a mensa et toro …

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suspindr CEBUANO

suspindr v {1} [A; a12] suspend from o? ce or privilege. Sus-pindihun ka ug makítà ka nga sad-an, You will …

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insolidity ENGLISH

Want of solidity; weakness; as, the insolidity of an argument.

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hederal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to ivy.

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To entangle; to complicate; to involve in knots; as, to snarl a skein of thread.

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sapalaran TAGALOG

sapalaran Definition: (noun) (rw. PALAD) chance-taking; risk-taking; venturing

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affreighter ENGLISH

One who hires or charters a ship to convey goods.

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Contrary to good morals; Inconsistent wlth the rules and principles of morality which regard men as living ln a community, …

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underwent ENGLISH

imp. of Undergo.

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federal ENGLISH

Friendly or devoted to such a government; as, the Federal party. see Federalist.

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allnight ENGLISH

Light, fuel, or food for the whole night.

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stound ENGLISH

A sudden, severe pain or grief; peril; alarm.

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coffin ENGLISH

A conical paper bag, used by grocers.

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póspas - A kind of dish made of rice mixed with meat, ragout, fricassee; also verb. Napospasán akó níya sing …

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balak Active Verb: magbalak Passive Verb: balakin Definition: 1) plan, intention (noun) 2) to plan, to intend to do (verb) …

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kínut a for food to be tough and hard to break but flexible. v [B; b6] come out tough, become …

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