"Isorcin" is a word in ENGLISH

isorcin ENGLISH

A crystalline hydrocarbon derivative, metameric with
orcin, but produced artificially; -- called also cresorcin.

Few words of positivity

So we get a plan," I said. "Any suggestions?""Blow up the building," Kincaid said without looking up. "That works good for vampires. Then soak what's left in gasoline. Set it on fire. Then blow it all up again.""For future reference, I was sort of hoping for a suggestion that didn't sound like it came from that Bolshevik Muppet with all the dynamite.

Jim Butcher, Blood Rites

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call an ant with five pairs of eyes ?Antteneye !

acetamide ENGLISH

A white crystalline solid, from ammonia by replacement of an equivalent of hydrogen by acetyl.

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alanine ENGLISH

A white crystalline base, C3H7NO2, derived from aldehyde ammonia.

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A white crystalline resinous substance extracted from gutta-percha by the action of alcohol or ether.

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allantoin ENGLISH

A crystalline, transparent, colorless substance found in the allantoic liquid of the fetal calf; -- formerly called allantoic acid and …

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allomerism ENGLISH

Variability in chemical constitution without variation in crystalline form.

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allomorph ENGLISH

Any one of two or more distinct crystalline forms of the same substance; or the substance having such forms; -- …

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amarine ENGLISH

A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds.

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amphibole ENGLISH

A common mineral embracing many varieties varying in color and in composition. It occurs in monoclinic crystals; also massive, generally …

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amygdalin ENGLISH

A glucoside extracted from bitter almonds as a white, crystalline substance.

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aphakia ENGLISH

An anomalous state of refraction caused by the absence of the crystalline lens, as after operations for cataract. The remedy …

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apomorphine ENGLISH

A crystalline alkaloid obtained from morphia. It is a powerful emetic.

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aragonite ENGLISH

A mineral identical in composition with calcite or carbonate of lime, but differing from it in its crystalline form and …

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aurichalcite ENGLISH

A hydrous carbonate of copper and zinc, found in pale green or blue crystalline aggregations. It yields a kind of …

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A white, crystalline substance, CH2(CO.NH)2.CO, derived from alloxantin, also from malonic acid and urea, and regarded as a substituted urea.

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The ground mass of a rock, especially if not distinctly crystalline.

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Said of crystalline rocks which contain a relatively low percentage of silica, as basalt.

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bay salt ENGLISH

Salt which has been obtained from sea water, by evaporation in shallow pits or basins, by the heat of the …

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belonite ENGLISH

Minute acicular or dendritic crystalline forms sometimes observed in glassy volcanic rocks.

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benzamide ENGLISH

A transparent crystalline substance, C6H5.CO.NH2, obtained by the action of ammonia upon chloride of benzoyl, as also by several other …

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benzile ENGLISH

A yellowish crystalline substance, C6H5.CO.CO.C6H5, formed from benzoin by the action of oxidizing agents, and consisting of a doubled benzoyl …

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