"Ising-Ising" is a word in CEBUANO

ising-ising CEBUANO

ising-ising v [A; c15] avoid the company of s.
from whom one feels one can get nothing, discard a friend or relative whom one finds no longer useful.
Íla na lang ku nga ising-isingun (iising-ising) kay wà na man kuy kapuslánan, Theyll avoid me now, for Im no longer of any use to them.

Few words of positivity

While there are millions of hungry people all around the world, while there are thousands of homeless people in every country, while some continents are in a horrible poverty, while there are not enough schools, not enough hospitals in the entire world, building churches, mosques, synagogues or temples or spending money on guns, on war industry are the greatest treasons to humanity!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get from a drunk chicken ? Scotch eggs !

abscond ENGLISH

To depart clandestinely; to steal off and secrete one's self; -- used especially of persons who withdraw to avoid a …

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avoider ENGLISH

One who avoids, shuns, or escapes.

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ayad v [A; b(1)] {1} refuse to go through with s.t. , have second thoughts, esp. about buying. Walay makaayad …

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bágus n {1} tong, protection money. {2} one who dodges or evades the payment of s.t. Bágus nà siya. Wà …

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balasubas CEBUANO

balasúbas (not without l) n one who avoids meeting his obli-gations. Balasúbas kaáyu siyang muswildu. Utsu ang sábut, dus ray …

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balíkdò - To go aside, turn away, change one’s direction, go out of one’s way in order to avoid meeting …

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beware ENGLISH

To be on one's guard; to be cautious; to take care; -- commonly followed by of or lest before the …

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A system of courts of the United States (one in each circuit) created by act of congress of March 3, …

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eschew ENGLISH

To shun; to avoid, as something wrong, or from a feeling of distaste; to keep one's self clear of.

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example ENGLISH

That which is to be avoided; one selected for punishment and to serve as a warning; a warning.

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Flee From Justice LAW AND LEGAL

To leave one’s home, residence, or known place of abode, or to conceal one’s self therein, wlth intent, in either …

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grábi a {1} in serious condition. Grábi siya, dì tingáli kaugmaan, He is serious. He might not live till tomorrow. …

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gugma n love. Krás lang nà dì gugma, Thats not love. Thats just a crush. Gugma sa inahan, A mothers …

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hawid, háwid a similar, resembling. Mas hawid sa amahan ang kamagulángan, The eldest is most similar in appearance to his …

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To use reservations and qualifications in one's speech so as to avoid committing one's self to anything definite.

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iwas, íwas v [A; b(1)] {1} slip away from, get out of the way. Miiwas siya sa íyang mga kúyug …

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langkub CEBUANO

langkub v {1} [AC12; ac1] combine several things, ideas, quan-tities into a group at the same time. Akuy mulangkub ug …

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likat v [b8] overlook or miss s.t. Nalikatan (hilikatan) níyag ihap ang usa ka libru, He overlooked one book in …

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lingaw CEBUANO

lingaw v {1} [A; a12] attract ones interest or attention. Ákung lingawun si Máma ug ikay kúhà sa dulsi, Ill …

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ling-i ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to turn away one’s head as in avoiding a blow. /MANGI-: I-/ to turn away (the head) as …

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