"Irreligious" is a word in ENGLISH

irreligious ENGLISH

Indicating a want of religion; profane; wicked; as,
irreligious speech.

irreligious ENGLISH

Destitute of religion; not controlled by religious
motives or principles; ungodly. Cf. Impious.

Few words of positivity

Ruby's was where I'd long picked up delicious bits and pieces of small-town troubles, and of course, Ramona Jean was my very best source.

Steven Norton, Fly Away Days

Laugh your heart out.

Patient: Doctor, I am very nervous. You know, this is my first extraction.Young dentist: Don't worry, it's my first extraction too.

attitude ENGLISH

Fig.: Position as indicating action, feeling, or mood; as, in times of trouble let a nation preserve a firm attitude; …

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religion ENGLISH

The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods …

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