"Inviolable" is a word in ENGLISH

inviolable ENGLISH

Not capable of being broken or violated; as, an
inviolable covenant, agreement, promise, or vow.

inviolable ENGLISH

Not violable; not susceptible of hurt, wound, or harm
(used with respect to either physical or moral damage); not susceptible
of being profaned or corrupted; sacred; holy; as, inviolable honor or
chastity; an inviolable shrine.

inviolable ENGLISH

Unviolated; uninjured; undefiled; uncorrupted.

Few words of positivity

Look, dude, you've sampled your life, mixed those sounds with a funk precedent, and established a sixteen-bar system of government for the entire rhythm nation. Set the Dj up as the executive, the legislative, and judicial branches. I mean, after listening to your beat, anything I've heard on the pop radio in the last five years feels like a violation of my civil rights.

Paul Beatty, Slumberland

Laugh your heart out.

Coleman moved to Wyoming and was sitting in the unemployment office applying for a job. "Have you any experience in coal mining?" asked the clerk. "Yeah, in Pennsylvania," he replied. "They're using that new safety lamp down there now, aren't they?" "Ah don't know, mister," said Coleman. "I worked on the day shift."

herald ENGLISH

An officer whose business was to denounce or proclaim war, to challenge to battle, to proclaim peace, and to bear …

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holily ENGLISH

Sacredly; inviolably.

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inviolability ENGLISH

The quality or state of being inviolable; inviolableness.

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Inviolability LAW AND LEGAL

The attribute of being secured agaiqst violation. The persons of ambassadors are inviolable

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The quality or state of being inviolable; as, the inviolableness of divine justice.

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inviolably ENGLISH

Without violation.

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inviolacy ENGLISH

The state or quality of being inviolate; as, the inviolacy of an oath.

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inviolaness ENGLISH

The state of being inviolate.

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inviolate ENGLISH

Alt. of Inviolated

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inviolated ENGLISH

Not corrupted, defiled, or profaned; chaste; pure.

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inviolated ENGLISH

Not violated; uninjured; unhurt; unbroken.

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inviolately ENGLISH

In an inviolate manner.

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Any melody determined by inviolable rules.

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sacred ENGLISH

Hence, not to be profaned or violated; inviolable.

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sacrosanct ENGLISH

Sacred; inviolable.

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sanctify ENGLISH

To impart or impute sacredness, venerableness, inviolability, title to reverence and respect, or the like, to; to secure from violation; …

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sanctity ENGLISH

Sacredness; solemnity; inviolability; religious binding force; as, the sanctity of an oath.

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sanctuary ENGLISH

A sacred and inviolable asylum; a place of refuge and protection; shelter; refuge; protection.

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sanctuary ENGLISH

A sacred place; a consecrated spot; a holy and inviolable site.

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tender ENGLISH

Careful to save inviolate, or not to injure; -- with of.

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