"Intermesenteric" is a word in ENGLISH

intermesenteric ENGLISH

Within the mesentery; as, the intermesenteric, or
aortic, plexus.

Few words of positivity

Others saw in the trend still another instance of a disturbing tendency in the American suburb: the longing for withdrawal, for self-enclosure, for expensive isolation.

Steven Millhauser, Dangerous Laughter

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How has Clinton made his cabinet look more like America?A: Many of them have sixth grade reading levels.

shipwreck ENGLISH

A ship wrecked or destroyed upon the water, or the parts of such a ship; wreckage.

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gossip ENGLISH

To run about and tattle; to tell idle tales.

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aphrodisiac ENGLISH

Alt. of Aphrodisiacal

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except ENGLISH

Unless; if it be not so that.

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antipodal ENGLISH

Diametrically opposite.

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kabubwason WARAY

Kabubwason - bright future

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pasóhot - Also: secret machination, manipulation, contrivance, means, underhand dealing, tricks, frauds.

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multiloquous ENGLISH

Speaking much; very talkative; loquacious.

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generator ENGLISH

An apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed from a liquid or solid by means of heat or chemical …

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periosteal ENGLISH

Situated around bone; of or pertaining to the periosteum.

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obligation ENGLISH

That which obligates or constrains; the binding power of a promise, contract, oath, or vow, or of law; that which …

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a-â - Pooh! Whew! Foh! Faugh! Now then! Fie! An expression employed to prevent others from touching things they should …

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earnestness ENGLISH

The state or quality of being earnest; intentness; anxiety.

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univalve ENGLISH

A shell consisting of one valve only; a mollusk whose shell is composed of a single piece, as the snails …

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thrift ENGLISH

One of several species of flowering plants of the genera Statice and Armeria.

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masseter ENGLISH

The large muscle which raises the under jaw, and assists in mastication.

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stigmata ENGLISH
shaman ENGLISH

A priest of Shamanism; a wizard among the Shamanists.

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A whorl of flowers apparently of one cluster, but composed of two opposite axillary cymes, as in mint. See Illust. …

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pihíng - Not standing straight, lopsided, crooked, uneven, applied to a pot, etc. with an uneven bottom. Pihíng ang kabû …

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