"Pihing" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


pihíng - Not standing straight, lopsided,
crooked, uneven, applied to a pot, etc. with
an uneven bottom. Pihíng ang kabû nga
iní. This coconut bowl—does not stand
straight,—stands crooked,—is lopsided. (cf.
kiwî, balingíg).

pihing CEBUANO

pihing a being not quite spherical, irregular.
Ságad sa buungun pihing, Most pomelos are not quite spherical.
v [B; c1] become uneven or irregular, not quite round.
Mupihing ang úlu sa bátà ug pirming magtakilid, The childs head will grow uneven if you always have it lie on one side.

Few words of positivity

When I was a seminarian, I was dazzled by a girl I met at an uncle's wedding. I was surprised by her beauty, her intellectual brilliance... and, well, I was bowled over for quite a while.

Pope Francis

Laugh your heart out.

What did the mouse say when his friend broke his front teeth? Hard cheese.

kodol-kodol HILIGAYNON

kodól-kodól - Uneven, not level, not quite plain or smooth; to be or become uneven, have or form some little …

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kolod-kolod HILIGAYNON

kolód-kólod - Uneven, hilly, not quite level, plain or smooth, etc. See kodólkodól, boklódbóklod.

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