"Inter Conjunctas Personas" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Inter Conjunctas Personas LAW AND LEGAL

Between conjunct persons. By the act 1621, c. 18, all conveyances or alienations between conjunct persons, unless granted for oner-ous causes, are declared, as ln a question with creditors, to be null and of no avail. Conjunct persons are those standing in a certnin degree of relationship to each other; snch, for example, as brothers, sisters, sons, uncles, etc. These were formerly excluded as witnesses, on account of their relation-ship ; but this, as a ground of exclusion, has been abolished. Tray. Lat. Max.

Few words of positivity

We define masculinity in very narrow way. Masculinity is hard, small cage, and we put boys inside this cage. We teach boys to be afraid of fear, of weakness, of vulnerability. We teach them to mask their true selves, because they have to be, in Nigerian-speak-- a hard man.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, We Should All Be Feminists

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a witch with one leg? Eileen.


-an - A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place …

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Lat. In Roman law. “Prastare" meant to make good, and, when used in conjunction with the words “dare,” “facere," “oportere," …

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As an auxiliary, shall indicates a duty or necessity whose obligation is derived from the person speaking; as, you shall …

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