"Insufficience" is a word in ENGLISH

insufficience ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Berlinerinnen also continue to reinvent Berlin fashion. Women like Claudia Skoda, c.neeon (Clara Kraetsch and Doreen Schultz), Stadtkluft (Claudine Brignot of urbanspeed and Sandra Siewert of s.wert) and Natascha Loch carry on the tradition of Berliner Chic and carry its meanings into today's fashion. Berlinerinnen will always be ready to wear: the women who live in the city, are photographed in its streets, wear local brands and give Berlin fashion its reputation as exigeant and schraeg. Without all of these women, there would be no Berliner Chic, and so it is to them that this project is dedicated.

Katrina Sark, Berliner Chic: A Locational History of Berlin Fashion

Laugh your heart out.

What's Up, Doc? by Howie Dewin

agnosticism ENGLISH

The doctrine that the existence of a personal Deity, an unseen world, etc., can be neither proved nor disproved, because …

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alangan TAGALOG

alangan Active Verb: mag-alangan Definition: 1) uncertain, doubtful, insufficient, not fitted, unfit (adj) 2) to be uncertain, to be doubtful, …

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alunga-og HILIGAYNON

alunga-óg - Tasteless, stale, vapid, stagnant; not well done, underdone, insufficiently or badly cooked, performed carelessly or negligently. Alunga-óg nga …

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balotanog HILIGAYNON

balotanóg - Not well done, underdone, parboiled, not sufficiently cooked (of food); healing slowly (of ulcers, etc); desultory, unsatisfactory (of …

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cold-shut ENGLISH

An imperfection caused by such insufficient welding.

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To complete or establish that which was imperfect or uncertain; to ratify what has been done without authority or insufficiently. …

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cyanosis ENGLISH

A condition in which, from insufficient a/ration of the blood, the surface of the body becomes blue. See Cyanopathy.

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The want or absence of some legal requisite; deficiency; Imperfection; insufficiency. Haney-Campbell Co. v. Creamery

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Duplex Querela LAW AND LEGAL

A donble com-plalnt An ecclesiastical proceeding, which is ln the nature of an appeal from an ordi-nary’s refusal to institute, …

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eupnaea ENGLISH

Normal breathing where arterialization of the blood is normal, in distinction from dyspnaea, in which the blood is insufficiently arterialized.

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exception ENGLISH

An objection, oral or written, taken, in the course of an action, as to bail or security; or as to …

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To be wanting to ; to be insufficient for; to disappoint; to desert.

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gáb-ul - (B) Half-cooked, underdone, not properly cooked, not well done, especially applied to peas and beans; to be underdone, …

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half-read ENGLISH

Informed by insufficient reading; superficial; shallow.

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haut-haut HILIGAYNON

haút-haút - Short, lacking, insufficient, not covering all the needs, etc. See hawóthawót. (cf. kabús, kulábus, kúlang, higúshigús).

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hawot-hawot HILIGAYNON

hawót-hawót - Too little, not enough, short, insufficient, lacking, wanting. Hawóthawót iníng mga tápì sa salúg, iníng hénero sa isá …

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inadequacy ENGLISH

The quality or state of being inadequate or insufficient; defectiveness; insufficiency; inadequateness.

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inadequate ENGLISH

Not adequate; unequal to the purpose; insufficient; deficient; as, inadequate resources, power, conceptions, representations, etc.

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Inadequate LAW AND LEGAL

Insufficient; dlspropor-tlonate; lacking ln effectiveness or ln con-formity to a prescribed standard or measure

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incompetency ENGLISH

The quality or state of being incompetent; want of physical, intellectual, or moral ability; insufficiency; inadequacy; as, the incompetency of …

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