"Inspissate" is a word in ENGLISH

inspissate ENGLISH

Thick or thickened; inspissated.

inspissate ENGLISH

To thicken or bring to greater consistence, as
fluids by evaporation.

Few words of positivity

You must never believe everything they say about a person. Generally speaking, most of it will be lies, half-truths at best.

Kate Atkinson, Life After Life

Laugh your heart out.

A young man was walking into town one day when a wood hauler gave him a ride.After traveling about a mile or two, the truck was stopped by the highway patrol for a weight check and inspection.The truck inspection revealed the truck had slick tires; no horn; no head, tail or signal lights; no windshield wipers. Also, it was overloaded and had bad brakes."Mister," the patrolman said to the driver, "I think the best way to charge you is 'hauling wood without a truck.'"


ákmol - Crustiness, thickness; to thicken, to harden, become crusty, to crust or incrust, said of dirt, dusty perspiration on …

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arníbal - (Sp. almibar) Thin, freely-flowing molasses in the initial stage of the process of sugar-milling. 1.) inutús—the watery juice …

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átoy - (B) To thicken, condense, coagulate, inspissate (of liquids). Ang lasáw nagátoy na. The molasses has become thick. Ginátoy …

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bagà a {1} thick in dimension. Ang ámung lamísa hinímù sa bagà nga tabla, Our table is made of thick …

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dakin-dakin HILIGAYNON

dakín-dákin - (B) Dim. and Freq. of dákin. Also: To be quick, hasten, hurry, do quickly or with despatch. Dakíndákin …

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engross ENGLISH

To make gross, thick, or large; to thicken; to increase in bulk or quantity.

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incrassate ENGLISH

To make thick or thicker; to thicken; especially, in pharmacy, to thicken (a liquid) by the mixture of another substance, …

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incrassated ENGLISH

Made thick or thicker; thickened; inspissated.

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incrassation ENGLISH

The act or process of thickening or making thick; the process of becoming thick or thicker.

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kíblon - Callous, hard, leathery, horny, thick-skinned, having the skin hardened or thickened by constant pressure or friction like farmers, …

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lap-ut CEBUANO

lap-ut a for a liquid to get thick and sticky. v [B3(1)] for soup to thicken. Mulap-ut ang sabaw sa …

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lapúyot - Thick, condensed, clotted, coagulated, inspissated, semi-liquid; to thicken, condense, inspissate. Naglapúyot na ang sabáw. The sauce has thickened. …

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malapuyut HILIGAYNON

malapúyut - (H) Thick, thickened, condensed, stiff, viscous, viscid, inspissated, treacly (of liquids); severe, heavy, vehement, violent (of fighting, or …

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padámol - Caus. of dámol—thick, etc. To thicken, make thick. Ginapadámol níya ang padér. He ordered the wall to be …

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pulút - Firmly twisted or twined (of thread, a rope, etc.); thickening, getting sticky and viscous (of sugar in the …

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thicken ENGLISH

To become thick.

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thicken ENGLISH

To make thick (in any sense of the word).

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