"Inm-, -Inm-" is a word in HILIGAYNON

inm-, -inm- HILIGAYNON

inm-, -inm- - A verbal prefix
(intercalation) corresponding to nag- and
naga-, which are at present much more
commonly employed than the rather oldfashioned inm- and -inm-. Ginmíkan
(naggíkan); ginmigíkan (nagagíkan);
sinmákà (nagsákà); sinmálig (nagsálig);
sinmasálig (nagasálig); tinmotóo
(nagatóo); dinmápit (nagdápit);
dinmángat (nagdángat); inmabút
(nagabút); inmúrut (nagúrut), etc. etc.

Few words of positivity

I simply vowed to the universe that I would write forever, regardless of the result. I promised that I would try to be brave about it, and grateful, and as uncomplaining as I could possibly be. I also promised that I would never ask writing to take care of me financially, but that I would always take care of it - meaning that I would always support us both, by any means necessary. I did not ask for any external rewards for my devotion; I just wanted to spend the rest of my life as near to writing as possible - forever close to that source of all my curiosity and contentment.

Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Laugh your heart out.

Why do Apes love to go to school in bad neighbourhoods?They like any jungle - even a blackboard jungle!

um-, -um- HILIGAYNON

um-, -um- - This syllable goes to form the following tenses: the Active Imperative, the Conditional Future, the Past. When …

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