"Illuminous" is a word in ENGLISH

illuminous ENGLISH

Bright; clear.

Few words of positivity

The fitness builds the foundation for me as an actor to have clarity. Fitness has always been the base of where I start off as a performer.

Manu Bennett

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Which England player keeps up the fuel supply?Paul gas coin!


aliwána - Width, breadth, wideness, broadness, spaciousness; to be or become wide, broad, spacious, (cf. hanáhay, álwag, lápad). aliwánag – …

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-an - A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place …

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anihag CEBUANO

aníhag (from síhag) v {1} [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. trans-parent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S. …

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bright ENGLISH

Manifest to the mind, as light is to the eyes; clear; evident; plain.

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bright ENGLISH

Transmitting light; clear; transparent.

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bright ENGLISH

Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent.

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brighten ENGLISH

To grow bright, or more bright; to become less dark or gloomy; to clear up; to become bright or cheerful.

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brightness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being bright; splendor; luster; brilliancy; clearness.

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brightsome ENGLISH

Bright; clear; luminous; brilliant.

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clarify ENGLISH

To make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter; to defecate; to fine; -- said of liquids, as wine …

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clarify ENGLISH

To grow clear or bright; to clear up.

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clarity ENGLISH

Clearness; brightness; splendor.

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To render bright, transparent, or undimmed; to free from clouds.

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Free from opaqueness; transparent; bright; light; luminous; unclouded.

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clear-shining ENGLISH

Shining brightly.

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cloudless ENGLISH

Without a cloud; clear; bright.

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cloudy ENGLISH

Lacking clearness, brightness, or luster.

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conspicuity ENGLISH

The state or quality of being clear or bright; brightness; conspicuousness.

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Not bright or distinct; wanting luminousness or clearness; obscure in luster or sound; dusky; darkish; obscure; indistinct; overcast; tarnished.

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In a dim or obscure manner; not brightly or clearly; with imperfect sight.

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