"Ikspirinsiya" is a word in CEBUANO

ikspirinsiya CEBUANO

ikspirinsiya n experience, things one has lived through.
v [A12] have experienced.
Nakaikspirinsiya na ku sa kinabúhì sa dágat, I have experienced life on the sea.
-du() a experienced.
v [B12; b6] be experienced.
Ikspirinsiyadu ku ánà, tits, Listen, buster, I know all about that.

Few words of positivity

She had been a teenager once, and she knew that, despite the apparent contradictions, a person's teenage years lasted well into their fifties.

Derek Landy, Mortal Coil

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor I snore so loud I keep myself awakeSleep in another room then!


ági v [A2S3S; b6] {1} go by, through a place. Dílì ku muági dihà kay náay irù, I wont go …

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agraman ILOKANO

adv. with, including, in addition. --syn. PATI. RAMÁN, n. taste, flavor. v. /-UM-:-AN/ 1. to taste, flavor. Kayat mo nga …

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ámu vocative short form: mu n master, employer. Makagáwì ba ta sa ímung tilipunu, mu? May I use your phone, …

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Aura Epileptica LAW AND LEGAL

In medical jurls-prudence. A term used to designate the sensation of a cold vapor frequently experienced by epileptics before the …

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bilat n {1} cunt of a person or animal (coarse). {2} profane exclamation. {a} expression indicating disbelief. Bilat! Ása man …

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bitiranu CEBUANO

bitiránu n {1} war veteran. {2} having long experience in s.t. Bitiránu kaáyu siyang panday, Hes a veteran carpenter. Bitiránu …

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búsaw a glutton. v [B12; b6] become a glutton. Nabúsaw siya human makatilawg gútum, He became a glutton after having …

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graduwar CEBUANO

graduwar v {1} [A2; b6] graduate. Abugasíya ang íyang gi-graduwaran, He finished law. {2} pass from one particular stage or …

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igtam v [B] be wary after having experienced s.t. bad. Kun mamatyan ang ilagà dihà, muigtam sila pag-anhà, If any …

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kiligkilig CEBUANO

kiligkilig v [A; b6] shudder from cold or on experiencing s.t. that raises goose bumps; shake the body. Nagkiligkilig kung …

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kulima CEBUANO

kulímà v [A2S; c] screw up the face in pain or upon experiencing an unpleasant taste. Mukulímà ka giyud kun …

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langit CEBUANO

lángit n {1} heaven, sky. Ang lángit gibuti sa mga bitúun, The sky is pock-marked with stars. {2} joy, happiness. …

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lúbas n {1} heartwood of timber. {2} maturity, enough years to become seasoned (literary). v [b4] have well-developed heart-wood. -an …

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lumuy, lúmuy a soft and delicate, not rigid. Lúmuy (lumuy) ang buktun sa way trabáhu, One who doesnt work has …

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lunhaw CEBUANO

lunhaw a {1} for growing things, not fruit, to be green. Lun-haw nga sibsibánan, Green pastures. {2} recent, young. Sa …

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ngislu CEBUANO

ngislù v [A; a2] grimace, distort the face upon experiencing s.t. disagreeable. Nakangislù siya sa kasakit, He grimaced in pain.

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pang-an CEBUANO

pang-an a expert, experienced and practiced. Pang-an nga abugádu, An highly experienced lawyer. v [B1256] become out-standing in s.t. Napang-an …

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púnga a experiencing di? culty in breathing from having too full a stomach or being pregnant. v [B; b4] experience …

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sabyu a wise and deeply experienced, often with prophetic abil-ities. Ang sabyung tigúlang nakatagnà sa gúbat, The wise old man …

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sinati CEBUANO

sinátì a {1} familiar. Daw sinátì nákù kaáyu nang tingúga, It seems that I am very familiar with that voice. …

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