"Holophrastic" is a word in ENGLISH

holophrastic ENGLISH

Expressing a phrase or sentence in a single word, --
as is the case in the aboriginal languages of America.

Few words of positivity

I wrapped up my food to take home. "Let's go. We need to discuss your favorite method of dying, because I'm going to kill you. Just so you know."Claire grinned. "You're welcome."~Gray

Patricia B. Tighe, Life In The No Dating Zone

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Why are you late, Joseph?Joseph: Because of a sign down the road.Teacher: What does a sign have to do with your being late?Joseph: The sign said, "School Ahead, Go Slow!"

Abbreviations LAW AND LEGAL

Shortened conventional expressions, employed as substitutes for names, phrases, dates, and the like, for the saving of space, of time …

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adjective ENGLISH

A word used with a noun, or substantive, to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to …

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affirmative ENGLISH

A word or phrase expressing affirmation or assent; as, yes, that is so, etc.

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-an - A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place …

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Caveat Viator LAW AND LEGAL

Let the traveler beware. This phrase has been used as a concise expression of the dnty of a traveler on …

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ciceronianism ENGLISH

Imitation of, or resemblance to, the style or action Cicero; a Ciceronian phrase or expression.

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To put into some form of language; to express; to phrase; -- used with in and under.

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Currit Quatuor Pedibus LAW AND LEGAL

L. Lat. It runs upon four feet; or, as sometimes expressed, it runs upon all fours. A phrase used in …

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“For good and 111.” The Latin form of the law French phrase “De bien et de mal.” In ancient criminal …

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doubtful ENGLISH

Characterized by ambiguity; dubious; as, a doubtful expression; a doubtful phrase.

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duhá-sínko, (dárwa-sínko) - Two (eggs or the like) for five (centavos). N.B. In similar phrases the Visayan numeral expresses the …

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Effluxion Of Time LAW AND LEGAL

when this phrase is used in leases, conveyances, and other like deeds, or in agreements expressed in simple writing, it …

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epithet ENGLISH

Term; expression; phrase.

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And he had lt A common phrase in the Year Books, expressive of the allowance of an appllcatlon or demand …

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exclamatory ENGLISH

Containing, expressing, or using exclamation; as, an exclamatory phrase or speaker.

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expression ENGLISH

A form of words in which an idea or sentiment is conveyed; a mode of speech; a phrase; as, a …

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Well, -- especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied; equally well with as much …

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hatay expression preceding a phrase warning s. o. against doing s.t. foolish: watch out. Hatay ug makit-an kang Tátay nga …

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hilaw a {1} uncooked, raw. Hilaw pa nang kan-un, The rice is still uncooked. {2} unripe, green. Aslum ang manggang …

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A peculiarly apt expression or turn of thought; a phrase which hits the mark; as, a happy hit.

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