"Hingari" is a word in CEBUANO

hingari CEBUANO

hingári v [A13; b(1)] always do s.t.
Ayaw hingaríhi (hingaríi) nag túyuk, Stop that constant twirling.

Few words of positivity

Writing is a solitary occupation.

Bernard Cornwell

Laugh your heart out.

Student: "Would it be possible to install Arabic language support on those computers?" Computer Teacher: "In order to use Arabic language in Windows, you must install an Arabic graphic card. So I don't think we could do that."

bulagaw CEBUANO

bulagaw a hair lighter in color than black, ranging from blond to reddish brown. v [B; b6c1] be, become this …

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gulang CEBUANO

gúlang a {1} old in age. Miritayir siya kay gúlang na, He retired because hes old. Dalágang gúlang, Old maid. …

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úlag v {1} [AN2; b(1)] for animals to copulate. Giulágan na ang bigal sa butakal, The boar served the sow. …

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