"Hiligaynon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

hiligaynon HILIGAYNON

hiligáynon - The dialect of Iloilo; to speak
that dialect. Nagahiligáynon na siá, kay
naghígdà kagáb-i sa Móhon. He speaks
the dialect of Iloilo now for last night he
slept in Mohon. (This sarcastic remark is
often applied to people from the interior
who, after but a short stay in Iloilo, pretend
to speak "Hiligáynon”).

Few words of positivity

Winner always make all the necessary adjustments because they possess the habit of taking full responsibility of their decisions and actions instead of looking for who to blame when things go wrong.

Laugh your heart out.

What should you do if you find an angry 500-pound dog in your kitchen?Eat out.


hinaráya - The language of mountaineers or of people living in districts away from the coast-line; pertaining to that language; …

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