"Harmattan" is a word in ENGLISH

harmattan ENGLISH

A dry, hot wind, prevailing on the Atlantic coast of
Africa, in December, January, and February, blowing from the interior
or Sahara. It is usually accompanied by a haze which obscures the sun.

Few words of positivity

There's something very peaceful about being in love. It can make you light as a feather; so blissfully unaware of anything else of importance. It can make you feel anger, rage, jealousy and lust all in one sentence. But the most important thing that love can give a person is certainty. Certainty that love, real love, will always pull you through your darkest days.

Shelly Pratt, Sanctuary of Mine

Laugh your heart out.

Two political candidates were having a hot debate. Finally, one of them jumped up and yelled at the other, "What about the powerful interest that controls you?"And the other guy screamed back, "You leave my wife out of this!"


v. /MANG-:-AN/ to let the water or liquid (of what one is cooking) evaporate, to allow to dry up by …

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ábung v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Lets block the road with a …

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achenium ENGLISH

A small, dry, indehiscent fruit, containing a single seed, as in the buttercup; -- called a naked seed by the …

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adlaw n {1} sun. {2} day. May adlaw nga magbásul ka, The day will come that you will be sorry. …

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An unburnt brick dried in the sun; also used as an adjective, as, an adobe house, in Texas or New …

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adóbi - (Sp. adobe) Mud-bricks, sun-dried bricks, adobe.

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In a dry or thirsty condition.

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adustion ENGLISH

The act of burning, or heating to dryness; the state of being thus heated or dried.

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v. /-UM-, MANG-:-EN/ to kiss. Mapanak umagep ken ni Apo Nazareno. I’ll go kiss (the hand or raiment of) St. …

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agis-is CEBUANO

agis-is n white scales on skin of the type which develop when the skin is dry. v [B6; a4] develop …

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agit-it CEBUANO

agit-it n {1} white streaks of dirt or dried up perspiration. {2} dirt that sticks to things or the skin. …

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agtì v [BN] {1} become very dark due to heat. Miagtì (nangagtì) íyang nawung sa ínit, His face has become …

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agumá-a - A kind of fish that is frequently cut in two, salted and dried in the sun. Agumá-a nga …

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aguting CEBUANO

aguting n {1} k. o. tobacco blight which makes the leaves turn whitish and curl up when they are dried. …

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áhug v [AC; ac] mix s.t. moist or wet with s.t. dry. Nag-áhug ang gátas ug harína, The flour and …

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A frame on which clothes are aired or dried.

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airing ENGLISH

An exposure to air, or to a fire, for warming, drying, etc.; as, the airing of linen, or of a …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to take, collect or gather inside (usually clothes) (from where they have been placed to dry). Akasem …

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alagilang HILIGAYNON

alagílang - (H) Old, yellow leaves, attached still to the plant, but about to fall off; old, withered, dry, sear, …

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alingiting CEBUANO

alingiting n intense dry heat, greater than alangíing. v [B; b6] be exceedingly hot. Ang adlaw mag-alingiting lang, basta kwarisma, …

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