"Gusang" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


gusáng - Split, burst open, pop; to burst
(as some kinds of peas and beans, when
boiled in water, etc.). Nagagusáng na ang
mónggo. The monggo is bursting. Lúndi na
sing talóng, kay gusáng na ang mónggo.
Now put in some egg-plant, for the monggo
has burst, (i.e. is properly cooked).
Pagusangá ánay ang mónggo; índì mo
ánay paglúndan sang dáhon sang
balúnggay. First let the monggo burst; do
not put in the balunggay-leaves before. (cf.
lusáng; butî).

gusang CEBUANO

gúsang n delicacy made of ground, roasted corn or rice mixed with sugar and dry coconut pounded in a mortar.
v [A; a] make gúsang.
-in- = gúsang, n.

Few words of positivity

On the church vaulting above was the clock-face of eternity, void of number and serving as its own hand, only one black finger was pointing and the dead wanted to tell the time by it.

Jean Paul Friedrich Richter

Laugh your heart out.

Mrs Wan: oh mare bt ka umiiyak?
Mrs Tu: Nag-away kami ni pare, gusto niya sex kame style aso, tumanggi ako
Mrs Wan: Masarap naman yun ah?
Mrs Tu:Masarap nga, kaso ang gusto niya sa kalsada!


ábri - (Sp. abrir) To unlock, unfasten, open; to begin, commence, said of schools, classes, sessions, meetings, etc. Abrihi ang …

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ágay - To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Nagaágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag …

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bantuk CEBUANO

bantuk a {1} hard and compact. Bantuk kaáyung unud sa gábi, Taro meat is very firm. {2} for muscles to …

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bettak ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ [= BUMTAK] 1. to crack. Bimtak diay baso idi natnag. The glass cracked when it fell. 2. to …

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bikkias ILOKANO

/AG-, -UM-/ to burst open. Irutem ti galut na dayta karton tapno saan nga bumikkias. Tighten the binding of that …

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bukáka - The eggs of crabs. Those of the alimángo crab are much esteemed as food. bukáka, The ripe, burst-open …

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bukirad ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ 1. to open wide, dilate (as the eyes do). Nagbukirad dagiti mata na. His eyes opened wide. 2. …

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busiad CEBUANO

busíad, busíkad v [B23(1)4] for s.t. to spread open and out leaving a gap. Mibusíkad íyang sinínà kay huut ug …

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búswang - To break or burst and discharge, said of swellings and ulcers. Nagbúswang na ang banóg ko. My ulcer …

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dala v {1} [A; a2] take, bring, carry. Magdala ba kug rigálu ngadtu? Shall I bring presents there? Bug-at na …

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gutuk a filled to the point that it is tight. Gutuk na ang ákung tiyan, My stomach is filled to …

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hágan - To lighten, ease, alleviate, relieve, moderate, allay, assuage, temper, make or become less burdensome or heavy, abate. Hagána …

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hugút - Fast, firm, taut, tight, tense, stretched, not slack; to tighten, make taut, etc. Húgta ang kalát. Tighten the …

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hukab v [A3P; a] open, remove a cover through forceful or non-human action. Ang hángin ang mihukab sa íyang sayal, …

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kaguku CEBUANO

kagùkù v {1} [A] make a hollow thumping sound. Ug muk-agùkù ang sambag, hinug na, When the tamarind rattles, its …

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karga v [A; c] {1} load, put in or on a conveyance. Suhúli ang nagkarga sa bukag sa trák, Pay …

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v. /MANGI-: I-/ to ingratiate (one’s self). KUEBA [kuεba; f. Sp.], n. cave. --syn. RUKIB. KUELYO [kuεlyo; f. Sp.], n. …

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líraw v [A2; c6P] for the eyes to dart back and forth, roll. Milíraw ang íyang mga mata sa kalamì, …

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mu- punctual active verbal prefix, future. (Past: mi- or ni-or ming-. Subjunctive: mu-. ) Muadtu ku didtu ugmà, I will …

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pigsang CEBUANO

pigsang v [B] {1} for flowers to be in full bloom. Mipigsang ang mga búlak sa hardin, The flowers in …

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