"Gugot" is a word in ILOKANO


n. gum: the tissue that surrounds the necks of teeth and covers the alveolar parts of the jaw.

Few words of positivity

You are the result of the tension between who you think you should be and what you really are.

Frank F. Gelat

Laugh your heart out.

During a big fire downtown the firemen were having a bit of trouble. A woman was stuck on the fourth floor with her baby. The fire fighters instructed her to toss the child out the window, under which they had placed a net, but the mother refused. Things looked grim until a tall, well-built black man burst through the crowd and shouted to the women. He said that he was a professional football player and that he could catch the baby safely. After a few minutes more of reassurances by the man, the mother finally let the child drop.The football player made a breathtaking catch, and everybody cheered. At that moment the man suddenly raised the child high in the air, spiked it on the ground and yelled, "TOUCHDOWN!!"


bábul gam n bubble gum. v {1} [A1] chew, get bubble gum. {2} [A13; b6] put bubble gum s.w. babung, …

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dilabari CEBUANO

dilabári n k. o. syrup used to rub against the gum of a teething baby (from the brand named Delabarre).

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gum-us CEBUANO

gum-us a {1} wrinkled, crumpled. Gum-us ang sinínà, The shirt is wrinkled. {2} for hair to be disorderly, tangled. Gum-us …

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gum-ut CEBUANO

gum-ut a {1} = gum-us, a 1. {2} sullen in expression. v {1} = gum-us, v 1. {2} [B46] be …

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v. /AG-, -UM-/ to run after, pursue or chase someone or something. /-UM-, MANG-:-EN/ to run after, chase, pursue. KAMATA …

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lagus n gums. Ang íyang lagus makítà inig katáwa níya, Her gums show when she laughs.

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limu n magical practices used to help a baby go through his various stages of development easily and successfully or …

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lúas n tiny sore in the gums or inside of the mouth. v [b4] have tiny sores in the mouth.

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masusuylu CEBUANO

masusuylu n rough, granular spots on the gums of a baby of several weeks. v [A13; a4] for an infant …

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n. gum of the eyes. v. /AG-/ to discharge gum: said of the eyes. /AGI-/ to remove gum from one’s …

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payuriya CEBUANO

payuríya n pyorrhea, infection of the gums. v [a4] be infected with pyorrhea. payus v [A; b5] cut a piece …

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suwing CEBUANO

súwing gam n chewing gum.

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