"Babul" is a word in CEBUANO


bábul gam n bubble gum.
v {1} [A1] chew, get bubble gum.
{2} [A13; b6] put bubble gum s.w.
babung, bábung a good-looking girl (slang).

Few words of positivity

Businesses are great structures for managing big projects. It’s like trying to develop the ability to walk without developing a skeleton. Once in a blue moon, you get an octopus, but for the most part, you get skeletons. Skeletons are good shit.

Cory Doctorow, Makers

Laugh your heart out.

The officer shouted orders to a nearby soldier. With considerable bravery, the GI ran directly onto the field of battle, in the line of fire, to retrieve a dispatch case from a dead soldier. In a hail of bullets, he dove back to safety."Private," the officer said, "I'm recommending you for a medal. You risked your life to save the locations of our secret warehouses.""Warehouses?" the private shouted. "I thought you said whorehouses!"

kulapiti CEBUANO

kulapíti (not without l; from kúla and piti) v [B13; b] get s.t. sticky on s.t. which does not come …

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malditu CEBUANO

maldítu a {1} naughty, evil. Kadtung maldítung bátà ang nag-papilit sa babulgam sa ímung sinínà, That naughty child put bubble …

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