"Giwit" is a word in CEBUANO


gíwit v [B12; a1] torn into shreds.
Nagkagíwit na giyud kaáyu ang mga kurtína, My curtains are torn to pieces from use.
giwit-giwit a badly torn, tattered.
Giwitgiwit intáwun kaáyug sinínà ang makalilímus, The beggars clothes are in tatters.
v [B1] be, become badly torn.
gíya v [A] lead the way, guide s.
to a place.
Ang kumpas mauy maggíya sa barku, The compass guides the ship.
Gigyáhan silag Manúbù, They were guided by a Manobo tribesman.
n {1} guide.
{2a} tie rod of the steering system of a motor vehicle.
{2b} steering cable in a boat which connects the steering wheel and the rudder.
{3} a line with a ball of rope on one end and the other attached to the towline of a ship.
When the ship docks it is tossed to the wharf so as to bring the boats towline with it.

Few words of positivity

Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.

Woody Allen

Laugh your heart out.

A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. "Excuse me", he said tothe cat in charge, "Can you get milk stains out?" "Sure," repliedthe cat. "We'll have that stain licked in a minute!"


ági () anhà mag- it will inevitably be so. Anhà giyud ka mag-agi sa latigu kay buyágun ka man, It …

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aknit v [A; a2] peel s.t. flexible o? in such a way that it does not get torn. Akníta ang …

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aray-ay ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to tear, e.g. clothes. adj. /(NA-)/ torn, rent. --syn. PIGIS.

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átip v [A; c1] {1} join pieces by sewing, welding, or pasting. Maátip pa kahà nang maáyu mang pagkagidlay? Do …

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áyum v [APB3(1); a12] {1} for a wound to be healed or cured. Dalì rang miáyum (naáyum) ang samad, It …

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bartiha CEBUANO

bartíha n {1} plank, board. Gilugkat ang usa ka bartíha sa bungbung, One plank was torn o? the wall. {2} …

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bigut, bígut v {1} [A; b5] sew s.t. with large, rough stitches. Gibígut (gibigutan) lang íning tapulan ang íyang muskitírung …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to rip, tear or split open or apart. Isu ti nangbriat iti badok. He was the one who …

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gayabang ILOKANO

v. /MA-/ to be torn into shreds, to be shredded.

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gay-ut CEBUANO

gay-ut a {1} out of shape, wrinkled. Gay-ut na kaáyu ang íyang susu, Her breasts were all flabby. {2} not …

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giwatay CEBUANO

giwatay a badly torn; tattered. v [AB; a] get badly torn, tear s.t. to shreds. Naggiwatay ang mga ituy sa …

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guhay v {1} [A; ab4] tear s.t. into strips or shreds. {2} [A; a] slice a large fish for drying. …

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gúlis v [A; ab2] tear along the grain into long strips. Gigúlis níya ang bulad núkus, He tore the dried …

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gusbat CEBUANO

gusbat v [B12] for soft materials to have a good-sized hole in them. Nagusbat ang samput sa íyang karsúnis, The …

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gutay v {1} [A; c1] tear completely into shreds. Mugutay siyag papil nga iadurnu, She will cut paper into shreds …

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hukab v [A3P; a] open, remove a cover through forceful or non-human action. Ang hángin ang mihukab sa íyang sayal, …

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húraw v {1} [A; a12] drive s. o. or s.t. away. Huráwa ang bábuy nga nangáun sa kamúti, Drive away …

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iskuyla CEBUANO

iskuyla n {1} school, holding of classes. Way iskuyla basta pista upisiyal, There is no school on an o? cial …

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istampa CEBUANO

istampa n patched, torn clothing. v [c] torn clothes.

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kusì v {1} [AN; a1b2] pinch. Kusiun ku ang ímung ngábil ug magsábà ka, Ill pinch your lips if you …

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