"Gayabang" is a word in ILOKANO

gayabang ILOKANO

v. /MA-/ to be torn into shreds, to be shredded.

Few words of positivity

Poetry is jealous of you tonight, for as soon as I come to pen a few words, your perfume attacks me in the most civilised manner and I forget myself. I forget the poem. I forget the ...

Kamand Kojouri

Laugh your heart out.

Sarah was reading a newspaper, while her husband was engrossed in a magazine. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. "Listen to this," she said. "There's a classified ad here where aguy is offering to swap his wife for a season ticket to the stadium." "Hmmm," her husband said, not looking up from his magazine. Teasing him, Sarah said, "Would you swap me for a season ticket?" "Absolutely not," he said. "How sweet," Sarah said. "Tell me why not." "Season's more than half over," he said.

abubhu CEBUANO

abubhu paN- v [A2; b6] be jealous of a loved one. n jealousy. abubhuan a jealous. Abubhuang bána, A jealous …

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abunda CEBUANO

abunda a {1} abundant. Abunda ang bugas karun, Theres plenty of rice now. {2} have plenty. Ug abunda ka sa …

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v. /-UM-/ to reach, arrive in. Immabutak idiay Manila. I reached Manila. /MAKA-: MA-AN/ to (be able to) overtake or …

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adimas CEBUANO

adimas furthermore, besides. Adimas utúkan man sab siya, Be-sides, hes intelligent, too. adingmasin n adding machine. v [a12] add up …

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aghat v {1} [A; a12b2] challenge s. o. to a fight. Aghátun siya nátug sumbagay, Lets challenge him to a …

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aghup a tender in feelings or treatment. ma- a tender. v [a12] do in a tender way. Giaghup ku silag …

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agraman ILOKANO

adv. with, including, in addition. --syn. PATI. RAMÁN, n. taste, flavor. v. /-UM-:-AN/ 1. to taste, flavor. Kayat mo nga …

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v. /MANGI-: I-/ to transfer, to infect with (a disease or sickness). Inyakar na kanyak ti panateng na. He infected …

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v. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to be joined or placed together facing each other (e.g. hands, plates, shells), to be …

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álam (not without l) ka- n knowledge of some special field, spe-cific know-how. Wà kuy kaálam sa pagpanghílut, I have …

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alam-alam CEBUANO

alam-álam v [A; c] {1} coax s. o. to do s.t. he does not want to do. Alam-alámi siya, Coax …

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alimadamad ILOKANO

v. /MAKA-: MA-/ to hear or remember (something) indistinctly or vaguely. Ania ti naalimadamad mo idiay tiendaan? What did you …

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v. /MA-/ to have one’s teeth sensitive, to feel a tingling pain in the teeth when biting hard food, drinking …

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v. /MAKA-: MA--AN/ to infect with a disease or sickness. Isu ti nakaalis kanyak. He was the one who infected …

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allingag ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ often /MAKA-: MA-/ to hear indistinctly or confusedly. Adu ti maallingag ko no addaak diay tiendaan. I can …

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alundris CEBUANO

alundris (not without l) n sewing thread. v {1} [b6] thread a needle. Ákung gialundrísan ang makina, I threaded the …

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amping CEBUANO

amping v [A; b(1)] treat s.t. with care, be careful with s.t. Mag-amping ka arun dílì ka masámad, Be careful …

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ampù v [A; c] {1} pray, worship. Dílì mu ampúan ang mga diyusdíyus, Dont worship false gods. Birhin Maríya, ig-ampù …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ or /MANGI-: I-/ 1. to gather at the edge of table, floor, etc., e.g. dust. 2. to push …

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n. perseverance, endurance. v. /MAKA-: MA--AN/ to be able to suffer or endure. Diak nga maanduran ti sakit daytoy ulok. …

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